Thread for Southern by Choice


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
I had to go and make Southern's day just a little sadder... and happier at the same time... Saying goodbye to Orange
Saying goodbye to orange.JPG

So about 28 hours ago, Mel for "mellow" started on a road trip :) This is how he spent most of it:
Traveling is HARD work!.JPG

Pleasant dreams... when the road wasn't too bumpy:
ZZZzzzz I'm a BIG dog now!.JPG

And finally... after what seemed forever, HOME at last!
Happy Happy Happy! I'm HOME!.JPG

Settling down to the serious busioness of "first treats"!
Puppy's first treat.JPG

Right at home now :)
Just a bunch of happy dogs.JPG

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs:hugs

How sweet that you all are thinking of me.
Like so many of you I see my fellow herdies as another family.
I am doing ok.
My health as thinks have become more clear.. is NOT GOOD. :(

I am looking at long term issues but with the grace of God I will make it through. @Devonviolet found me a doctor that can help with treating me. Yep... DV all the way from Texas found me an MD that does alternative medicine too. DV and I talk dogs here and there and she is such a blessing. Like so many of you here... I am blessed by all those I have met here. Typical treatment of my condition will eventually do more damage long term so I am not going that route.

I have been recuperating and also am prepping for the pups to leave we have had 5 out of the 12 leave... 4 more at the end of the month.
3 will stay for a bit longer to continue as started dogs.

I may :fl be bringing in another dog for rehab... she is a wonderful dog but has had some issues with livestock. I believe with all my heart she can be retrained. I don't know why but my heart is so for this dog. I know about her from another herdie.
She is 10 hours away... DH said no problem...we can make the drive.:D Dh has become a real sucker for the LGD's!
If she cannot be rehabbed then she will have a great place on the couch!:p

More later guys... gotta run. Just wanted to say Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Ya'll are a great 2nd family!:hugs

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