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ok. I'll underline the section the mistake is in, put the original mistake in bold print and edits in italics for you.ThreeBoysChicks said:Please do. I greatly appreciate it. I have looked it over several times and every time I do, I see something else.marlowmanor said:Your site looks good!I did however see some spelling mistakes. I can share them with you if you do not mind (I naturally proofread when I read things!).
Front page has 3 spelling mistakes (2 are just typos really since it is just letters mixed up) and one grammar mistake
Blue / Black / Splahs Marans
"splahs" should be splash
Blue / Balck / Splash Silkies
"balck" should be black
Buff Sulkies
"sulkies" should be silkies
needs an "s" on the end
Drop down menu for fowl has a spelling mistake.
Guniea fowl
should be guinea fowl
Drop down menu for helpful links has a spelling mistake
Carrying for baby chicks
should be caring for baby chicks
Goats and Sheep section
Ginger had several does deliever
"deliever" should be deliver
Danny - 1/4 Alpine, 1/4 Nebian, 1/2 Boer, Whethered, born 4/13/2008
"Nebian" should be Nubian and "whethered" should be wether
Yogi - Unregistered Nigerian Dwarf Whether
"whether" should be wether
but we fell in love with one of the doe's
no apostraphe is needed in "doe's" is should be does
Carrying for baby chicks section As mentioned before this should be "Caring for baby chicks"
hen provids
"provids" should be provides
pine savings or similar
"savings" should be shavings
Chicken housing section chick nursery section
right hight
"hight" should be height
Glossery of terms section
should be wether
rest period and the a ZIP
"rest period and the a ZIP" should be rest period, then a ZIP
Dos section under Pets dropdown
Ella is our protector is always willing to alert when something is not as she feels it shoud be
"Ella is our protector is always..." should be Ella is our protector and is always...
Buddy lived the first 1/5 years of his life tied outside to a tree.
"1/5 years" should be 1 1/2 years
Cats section
Charles has provin smarter than any dog to cross his path
"provin" should be proven
"any dog to cross his path" should be any dog that has crossed his path
Jack was found on Craiglist back in June of 2010. He is great cats
"Craiglist" should be Craigslist "He is great cats" should be he is a great cat
Fran's section
She and her brother came to live with on 5/15/2011
"came to live with on" should be came to live with us on
Silkies section
Started with mixed a flock, but quickly decided to keep the colors seperated.
should be We started with a mixed flock, but quickly decided to keep the colors seperated.
Marans (blue/black/splash) section
a local breeder who started with Black and Blue Cooper marans and bred out the cooper coloring to form a solid Blue and solid Black Marans
"Black and Blue Cooper" should be Black and Blue Copper "cooper coloring" should be copper coloring
Juevinile Birds
should be Juvenile Birds
Buff Orpington section
IOur Buff Orpingtons are the product of crossing stock from two different breeders. Breed for bird color and size, while also breeding for larger eggs produced
"IOur" should be Our"Breed for bird color and size" should be We breed for bird color and size
Easter Egger section
Hatch only the eggs size large or larger in an effort to improve egg size. Now consistently get large - jumbo eggs from our Easter Eggers.
should be We hatch only the eggs size larger or larger in an effort to improve egg size. We now consistently get large - jumbo eggs from our Easter Eggers.
Ducks section
acquired a pair of Welsh Harlequin Ducks and will breeding this year to build up a small flock
"will breeding this year" should be will be breeding this year
For sale page
Farm Fresh Chicken Eggs for Eatting. Farm Fresh Duck Eggs for Eatting
"Eatting" should be eating
White Silkies, Blue/Black/Splash Silkies and Cucko Silkies
"Cucko" should be cuckoo
OK I think that is all the mistakes I found! BTW I am jealous of your main EE roo!