Tick problem


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
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i use preventatic collars on my lgd and it does a great job keeping ticks off of her for about three months at a time. i use k-9 advantix on the house dog and it also works well too. but the main thing that has helped here is turning the chickens and ducks loose and let them free range. they have done an unbelievable job of getting rid of creepy crawlies in my yard and close pasture. i am planning to get some guineas next year because someone told me they will eat fire ants and since they are starting to be a problem around here I'm going to give them a try


Exploring the pasture
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction score
Frontline doesn't work here anymore... some people have found switching back and forth between Advantix and Frontline. None of those work. UGH. They may work in your area but if you can find it in single doses you may be better off... cannot tell you how much $ we threw away. :mad:

When we first moved on our land we couldn't walk out the front door to the dumpster about 30 ft... without having 10-15 ticks on our feet. Within the first few months we had 1 family member and 1 dog end up in the ER... tick born illness. We have spotted fever here, no Lymes. It can kill quick... all the "neighbors" and just about everywhere we went we heard "get chickens, or guineas".
We did. :) Chickens anyway.. we made a deal with our neighbor around the way to never get guineas.... they always end up at his place which is a ways away! LOL Anyway within the first year the chickens had eradicated the problem... as we expanded the turkeys were added and they did their job. Wherever we have the "birds" we have no problems. We have 10 dogs, 8 are LGD's... no ticks. Now the only time we have ticks is when we walk back through the trails where we have no birds... and then we are picking them off again. Of course all our birds are free range so they have good pickins. :D

Thank you for your response. I guess that is clear that the chickens are the way to go. Who would've known? LOL