My hours are all over the place. I go to school online full time, work part time, and write part time. My little man often gets annoyed with me for sitting in front of the computer
Went out to check on things a few minutes ago to find a thick cable of goop hanging from Tippy's girly parts. I had put my little nubian in with her after Willow died to keep her company. Tippy was following Cami around licking her like a mad woman...Er um... Mad goat. When I went into the pen she began licking me. He ligs are completely gone. Since I have to go to work soon, my other half will be here, I decided I should check things out. I came back inside and scrubbed up and gloved up (I also have Pen G as well as an almost full goat pharmacy on hand now). upon entering I realized her cervix is a different shape than Willows was. Grr, I thought to myself. I thought I was prepared for everything. Anyways, I have rather small hands but in the entrance to her cervix I could place 2 fingers Or the equivelent of 4 smilies of the nine visable ones above. I am thinking it will be soon. Any opinions? I have a short shift tonight. I am working from 11pm-3am. So I will be gone from about 1030p to 330am. Do you think she will go that soon? She is a FF.
Lol, probably not. I am deciding if I should put in leave for tommorrow fom work as I would from 11am-2pm. So I will have to leave about 1030pm. Or if she will kid before then, and I will be all set. lol. Called the vet and the goat mid wife to let them know what was up. Provided the numbers to my other half so he will know who to call if there is a problem. Hopefully she will wait until at least 330am. Iam hoping things go a little smoother for us this time. Also hoping for a little doeling.