B&B Happy goats
Herd Master
They ate grain and hay like crazy...all five of them. I am going to try to put him on a bottle today, but if he won’t go for it, then, I think I’ll call the guy. So, do I then wean all 5of them at 8 weeks? I was really planning to let them go a lot longer, like 12. I hate when our farmer friend gets involved...he just muddles things up. Like I didn’t think it was time to band Willy, thought he was too young. I will kill that guy if I’ll left with a goat that needs rebanded!
How old is the the goat you banded ? We band at 8 to 10 weeks ( mostly at 10) , if it's done too early you can run into lots of problems...neighbor did theirs at 6 weeks, two weeks later they were removed surgically by the vet at his office, (that mess had turned ugly !)
Unless you are going to use the milk for other reasons, ....why not let the doe wean her kids ? She will take care of the entire process as mother nature intended and nonthing beats moms milk for a healthy kid