Herd Master

You are not the Lone Ranger. We had 2 Great Pyrenees that had never seen sheep, one was a year old, the other was 5 years old. There was a learning curve, these dogs are awesome.I may be the odd man out as they say, but I adopted a 6 month old Maremma that was living chained under a backyard deck in the suburbs. She had never been in contact with any livestock and got her for a couple hundred bucks about 18 months ago.
At first I only had rabbits and had just started with some ducklings and I introduced her gradually, removing her when she got too playful. There have been no issues of harm done to the animals. She just loves being with them.
My 5 acres are not fenced except for the small barnyard area and she does go visit the neighbours on either side as they always have a treat for her and then she comes back. she Takes off barking into the woods daily to let the coyotes and bears know she’s the boss I suppose but comes back shortly.
Now we have added a goat and a pig and all is well. Bella does eat alot but I’ve always had big dogs so I’m used to that.
@Baymule @Ridgetop
I have a 9 month old female Akbash/Great Pyrenees puppy that is guarding my herd of goats. My show goat who is new to showing is not showing anymore because of activities my LGD dog is doing to her. This morning my LGD dog Dallas playful attacked Dixie and she is bleeding front and back legs. How do I stop this?