Top 10 Goat Treats

BYH Project Manager

True BYH Addict
Jul 9, 2012
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Everybody loves a treat once in a while, including animals! There are many pet stores and online stores where you can find treats for your cat or dog.

Goats, however, might be difficult to find treats for since they are not traditional pets. In spite of the myth that goats will eat just about anything, responsible pet owners must always provide healthy meals & small amounts of treats to their animals.

So, what kind of snacks or treats can you give to goats? Is there anything you should avoid? In this article, we explore the best treats for goats.

Top 10 Goat Treats

What Are the Best Treats for Goats?​

The nutritional benefits of fruits, vegetables, and seeds will appeal to your goats since they are herbivores. Not sure what fruit or vegetable to try? These 10 goat treats will delight your goats:

1. Lettuce​

Lettuce makes a great treat! Besides being hydrating, lettuce also contains vitamins A, C & K. These vitamins contribute to healthy skin and eyes, boost immunity, and help with blood clotting.

2. Bell peppers​

Whatever the color of the bell pepper, it is a delicious treat for goats! Vitamin A, potassium, and beta-carotene are all abundant in bell peppers. If you are giving your goat bell peppers, be sure to remove all of the seeds.

3. Carrots​

There are several vitamins in carrots that goats need to be healthy and have a strong immune system. Similarly to bell peppers, carrots are rich in vitamins A & beta-carotene. The fiber in carrots prevents constipation as well. All the cleaned carrot parts can be given to your goat.

4. Pumpkin​

Top 10 Goat Treats

You can treat your goat to fiber-rich pumpkin. It is also rich in potassium & vitamin A. It is likely that goats will prefer pumpkin, as it has a sweet taste. Pumpkin seeds can be fed to goats as well; however, do not give them the leaves.

5. Apples​

There are many healthy nutrients in apples, including carbohydrates, protein & fiber. Even the pickiest goat may be tempted by the sweetness of an apple. However, you shouldn't overfeed your goat apples because of the sugar content.

6. Watermelon​

You can feed your goat watermelon as a nutritious treat. In addition to being hydrating, it is filled with vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients that are essential for a healthy immune system. The rind, seeds, and fruit of watermelons can all be fed to your goat. Don't give your goat this treat regularly, as it has a high water content and sugar content, which can make digestion difficult.

7. Pears​

Top 10 Goat Treats

Carbohydrates, potassium, and vitamin C are all found in pears. A few pieces of pear are healthy because potassium supports metabolism and vitamin C supports immunity.

8. Bananas​

You can add bananas to your goat's diet to provide additional potassium and fiber. While some goats might enjoy the sweet taste of the banana, others might not. You may want to try both the fruit and peel to see which your goat prefers.

9. Grapes​

In addition to being full of vitamins, grapes are also hydrating. Their sweetness and juicy texture will appeal to goats. As with bananas, grapes are packed with potassium, which your goat needs to stay healthy.

10. Sunflower seeds​

Top 10 Goat Treats

Goats' hair can benefit from sunflower seeds. Your goat can also benefit from healthy fats found in these seeds, which can help with milk production. You should limit the number of sunflower seeds you give your goat as treats due to their high fat content.

The minerals and vitamins in certain vegetables and fruits are beneficial for the health of your goat. Moreover, sunflower seeds contain healthy fats, proteins, and vitamins. Make it easier for your goat to chew the vegetables and fruits by cutting them into small pieces.

Additionally, you can buy commercial goat treats. Several goat treats are made with ingredients such as berries and rice, and they come in nugget form, so it's easy to measure how many treats you'll give your goat each day.

Can you give your goat treats on a regular basis?​

While all the treats listed above are nutritious, your goats should consume them in moderation. It is common for goats to gain weight, which is bad for their overall health. Grazing on grass or other goat-friendly foliage during the day should be the main part of a goat's diet. Your goat's diet shouldn't be dominated by treats.

An improper diet can lead to urinary calculi in goats, which is an infection of the urinary tract. Usually, urinary calculi result from an excessive amount of food ingested, especially when the calcium-to-phosphorous ratio is incorrect. Reduce the amount of treats offered to your goat to 5% or less on a daily basis.

Is there anything you should avoid feeding your goat?​

You need to pay attention to how much goats eat since goats can easily gain weight and develop urinary calculi. Avoiding certain foods is always a good idea. Goats should not be given the following foods:

Animal products: No animal product can be digested by goats.
Potatoes: There is a chemical in potatoes called solanine. Your goat can be severely harmed by this toxin, which is found in nightshade plants.
Avocado: Persin can be found in all parts of the avocado, making them toxic to goats. Even though avocados are safe for humans to eat, goats should not consume them in any form.
Fruit pits: A compound found in cherry, peach, and plum pits converts to cyanide when digested.
Chocolate: Any animal, goat included, should never consume this sweet treat. Chocolate is high in sugar, caffeine, and unhealthy fats.

Top 10 Goat Treats


Feeding your pet properly requires balance. Getting goats to eat treats can be a bit of a challenge because they tend to get greedy. To find out what your goat enjoys eating, give it a small amount of the suggested vegetables first since vegetables contain less sugar than fruit. Bell peppers might be more appealing to your goat than lettuce.

Which treats do your goats love eating?
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Blue Sky

Herd Master
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
I’ll bet goats would enjoy cabbage. My sheep do. I used to work in a produce dept and occasionally I could get goodies for sheep and chickens. Then mean ol corporate put their foot down.

Blue Sky

Herd Master
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
Mine do like cabbage!! Yeah....people peel off the best leaves, corp can't work with possible lawsuit To let you feed it.....soooo
That was it. Lawsuit town. How foolish and wasteful. I worked with people from all over the world. We were all astonished at the corporate policies. Appalling waste.