I offered him $50 bucks for the black one and he came back with $75 for the both of them . . . I haven't been to look at them yet so I'm not committed . . I'm thinking though if they are in good shape, I could try to sell the white one for what I paid for both and get my money back . . hmmm decisions, decisions
Well I didn't get the bucks . . the brother decided he wanted them so they gave em to him
I haven't posted in a while . . we moved my oldest son to Jesup, Georgia last weekend I'm not thrilled with his plan at the moment but he's got to get out and try it on his own. He's a good kid I'm just a momma and I worry. I sure do miss him being here, especially at bedtime when I'm used to going in his room to say good night.
We've had some cooler mornings and I can feel fall in the air
This morning Jake didn't want his breakfast, he just wanted to hang out in the barn with me while I milked:
These are the 3 meat birds that didn't get sent to freezer camp
I'm getting about an egg a day from them
I do not have a buck at the moment . . I lost Cowboy I've been looking for a buck but haven't found one I like or will pay for.
I've been checking the girls and I'm trying to decide if I might have missed them come into heat before Cowboy got sick. I swear I can feel something when I poke around their under belly (flat handed not really poking) It may be really wishful thinking on my part cause if they are I wouldn't have to find a buck right now (or feed one through winter)
I took a couple pics . . they're crappy cause they are cell pics but any opinions on if they are or aren't
My Mom decided to give me her boer buckling so I went over earlier and picked him up. He's not used to people so he'll take some time to tame, but he sure is pretty. I'm gonna keep him in the little pen for a few days til he gets used to us and all the new critters here. I started calling him BubbaGump when we caught him and I think it's gonna "stick" so . . . . I would like you to meet Bubba Gump:
Angel and Stella saying hello:
Angel and Bubba have been butting heads through the fence
Oh yeah . . . the "I'm gonna keep him in the little pen for a few days" didn't work - we ran to town and when we got back he was in the field with the rest of the goats it's okay though cause they are getting used to each other.
I've been looking for a partner for Jake for a while and I finally found her
I found her on one of my random internet searches and she was free Had to drive 1 1/2 hours away to get her, but my Mom went with me so it was fun. The lady who had her told me that she had taken Sis and her son from someone who was going to put them down because they couldn't afford to feed them . . . I was told she was raised around farm animals and so far she hasn't offered to bother the goats or any of the birds. I have been keeping her tied to the small pen at the barn so she can get used to the critters and learn that this is home.
This is Sis - she 1/2 pyr and 1/2 anatolian shepherd. She's supposed to be about 3 years old:
Sis and Jake saying hi:
The goats spent the first few hours staring at her like this: Every hair down the middle of Angel's and Stella's backs was standing straight up
Can't believe is has been 9 months since I posted on her Life is going on as normal . . . work, church, home - pretty boring but we're happy.
I was wrong before, the girls were not bred I quit milking just in case and have not had fresh milk in a loooonnnnggg time now In the last week or so Bubba has been rather smelly and very interested in Angel so I must have missed Stella come in heat because last week she suddenly had a very large udder so I'm hoping sometime soon to have kids on the ground.
We lost Jake a couple months ago to what I think was a moccasin bite . . I went out to feed one evening and he didn't come to me, we found him laying in one of his holes dead. I sat down and cried. I found a moccasin dead on the electric fence so my best guess is Jake was doing his job and got snake bit and we had no idea. I know if we had known and could have gotten anti-venom he might have been okay.
I got a batch of meat birds, Ideal had a special on the black broilers so I got them, we'll see how they compare to the cornish rocks we normally do.
Had to tear down the run part of my chicken pen (which is fine cause the chickens are never locked up any more) because the wood was rotting/rotten. Now I have some wire, and some wood fence I scored at the dump that I can use to build a pen for pigs. Been wanting to grow some pigs out for a long time, but didn't have anywhere to put them.
Bout to go feed up and then heat up leftover chicken noodle casserole for supper.