

Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
NOOOOOO! !!! :barnie:barnie:he:hit argh just when I got my hopes up again!! @norseofcourse you're evil to suggest that :tongue (lol )
awww :hugs you will make it! The frustrating thing is no goat (or sheep) follows the exact same timetable. The sneaky dears just don't want to make it that easy on us! :) I've spent lots of time with mine, feeling udders, taking pictures of vulvas, watching for any sign I could think of. Most of it wasn't reliable enough to predict when they'd lamb. I eventually narrowed it down to a few signs that were somewhat helpful for mine - their teats got very full of milk when they were a few days away - not just had milk in them, but they were tightly full of milk. And their vulva lengthened and became 'loose', and kind of jiggled when they walked (that usually meant within a day). I could also sometimes tell when they'd 'dropped', which was several days to a week from birth.

Now, those signs may or may not be anything your goat will show, and she may have some of her own. Take notes that may be helpful next time, and relax and enjoy being with your girl. Pretty soon you'll be answering people who come here with the same 'when is my goat gonna give birth???' questions, and you'll reassure them and say 'let me tell you about my goat....' :)

newton the goat

Herd Master
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
Scotland, Ontario
awww :hugs you will make it! The frustrating thing is no goat (or sheep) follows the exact same timetable. The sneaky dears just don't want to make it that easy on us! :) I've spent lots of time with mine, feeling udders, taking pictures of vulvas, watching for any sign I could think of. Most of it wasn't reliable enough to predict when they'd lamb. I eventually narrowed it down to a few signs that were somewhat helpful for mine - their teats got very full of milk when they were a few days away - not just had milk in them, but they were tightly full of milk. And their vulva lengthened and became 'loose', and kind of jiggled when they walked (that usually meant within a day). I could also sometimes tell when they'd 'dropped', which was several days to a week from birth.

Now, those signs may or may not be anything your goat will show, and she may have some of her own. Take notes that may be helpful next time, and relax and enjoy being with your girl. Pretty soon you'll be answering people who come here with the same 'when is my goat gonna give birth???' questions, and you'll reassure them and say 'let me tell you about my goat....' :)
Lol well everything about her is jiggly! her udder is a lot more filled out than the last photo I posted it is pretty much full and is very tender she will get angry if you go anywhere near there...., she waddles and seems like if you poked her she would fall over and would need help getting up lol. Her baby (ies) have dropped and are sitting much farther down than before and she is very uncomfortable and irritable
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