I'm new to raising sheep and I bought 4 Katahdin ewes that are due anytime. Yesterday, one of them was acting like she might be going into labor at least I thought. She wasn't eating much of her grain, was not her friendly self, not leaving the stall, etc. End of the day came and went and no lambs, so I called the vet and he advised me to check to see if I could feel if there was a lamb stuck. I did and all I felt was probably the water bag in the uterus. Today still nothing but still some of the odd behavior although, she is eating.
Today, however I noticed her udders looked odd one was much larger and rubbing her leg when she walked making it red.
Here's my question can a ewe have mastitis before lambing? And does this sound like it's normal for her udder to look this way before lambing?
I really appreciate any advise. My husband thinks I'm being a worry wart but I don't want to wait if there's a problem.
I'm new to raising sheep and I bought 4 Katahdin ewes that are due anytime. Yesterday, one of them was acting like she might be going into labor at least I thought. She wasn't eating much of her grain, was not her friendly self, not leaving the stall, etc. End of the day came and went and no lambs, so I called the vet and he advised me to check to see if I could feel if there was a lamb stuck. I did and all I felt was probably the water bag in the uterus. Today still nothing but still some of the odd behavior although, she is eating.
Today, however I noticed her udders looked odd one was much larger and rubbing her leg when she walked making it red.
Here's my question can a ewe have mastitis before lambing? And does this sound like it's normal for her udder to look this way before lambing?
I really appreciate any advise. My husband thinks I'm being a worry wart but I don't want to wait if there's a problem.