Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
Interesting! CeCe looks jet black for now. I’ll have to watch and see when the sable starts to show through.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
I have some updated udder pics...

Diamond: 2F, just over 3 mos fresh with trips (1 still nursing during the day), 10 hr fill, getting just under 2 cups but still holding some back despite a massage, thinking udder is “meaty.”:

I like the size of her udder, her medial (difficult to see due to her hair/coloring/lighting), she has a nice fore udder, and I think her udder is positioned properly. It’s not been full enough to see if she does the 1/3 properly. I’d like to work on her lateral attachments, make her escutcheon higher and wider, and move her teats in some. Her orifices aren’t as nice as some of the others but she does milk out nicely by hand.

Snowflake: FF, just over 3 weeks fresh with trips, 10 hr fill, getting 2 1/4 cups without an additional letdown:
(I was holding her off the wall for this pic)

(Against the wall pic)

(Side pic showing thirds and fore udder some)

I love this goat! She hand milks like a dream with huge orifices and holds nothing back. Her udder is really soft. Her medial is actually pretty good despite my picture skills but could be a tad more defined. I like how high and wide her escutcheon is with good laterals. I also think she has good positioning with the 1/3s and I haven’t noted a fore udder issue but need to clip her to make sure. I’d like to see her teats moved in. IMHO, probably the best ND udder I’m dealing with right now. (Caramel will freshen for us this fall and I can compare, though they are full sisters from different years. Caramel will be a 2F.) There’s a chance I’ll get this girl in the show ring this fall!

Nellie: 2F with trips, just over 3 weeks fresh, 10 hr fill, getting just over 2 cups with a second letdown.

Yikes! Her udder is a mess. :hide I bought her so I can say that. At the time, I had just started learning and didn’t know to ask for udder pics! Lol

So what I do like is her HUGE orifices. This makes milking her by hand a dream. She seems to have good laterals. What I don’t like is that her escutcheon needs to be wider, she has no medial, her teats flare and need moved in, her udder is way too far back, and when she’s full, her udder is rock hard. It takes a second for it to soften up enough to take advantage of those orifices. (I’ve mentioned in other posts that her milk stand manners, orifices, and potential for extended lactation which we are going to try are enough to keep her here and breed up.)

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
@Wehner Homestead Snowflake has a very pretty udder!
Nellie can milk though so you know my philosophy, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater! It does look high and tight even if her teats point the wrong way :D

Raina- milking 11 pounds now- last test 10.0 # even but was having some calcium issues before that so we backed her off a bit... doing better now and doing 11#
this is 1 gallon bucket
We won't discuss the Nigies. :somad:somad:somad (except Ruth she is being a good girl)


Edit- above was morning milking only. The one gallon bucket cannot hold 11#
Last edited:

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
These two were on the stand getting ready to be milked... I took the pic because I thought it was interesting.
Maybe tomorrow I will put up 3 goats to show age progression.

~The doe on the left is a 14 month old doe (today :) ) FF she is progressing nicely as production is still going up - she is 13 days fresh here... she is also only <6 hours full
She had micro lamancha twins! (literally 2 kids that equaled the size of one goat lol)
~The doe on the right is 2 years 3 months and is 2 weeks 5 days fresh on <10 hours full- she had mini mancha twins so significantly smaller than full sized lamancha kids but bigger than the micro lamanchas ;) This doe is dam raising and we bottle feed (we got tired, so decided to leave on mom at night) :hide We milk out anything she has in the morning which is usually nothing because the kids are on her, then we separate around 10-11 or so and milk in evening giving kids bottles in the day. Milk her out at night, leaving some for kids and they nurse through the evening and morning.

These two are half sisters out of the same dam but different sires. (The one on the right is a tall doe)
What I thought was interesting is how much a difference a year makes.

The younger doe is doing great and increasing nicely- she is not full here because we left her milk out this am by accident and had to milk her in the afternoon for her kids to get their bottles. She is pushing 7 lbs... test will be in 2 weeks so it will be interesting to see what she does and the info on her, it will be her 1st test.

The 2 YO is so much bigger! Yes, she is tall but seeing them side by side really kinda wowed me. She is increasing, hard to know what she is currently doing because of the co- raising. On her first test she was 9 days fresh at 8.6#. We know she is over 9# but she may be close to 10.... we will see on test.

It would be neat to see their dam beside them. For size comparison. Their dam is the one that had the infection (gut) from the chaffhaye - it did some real damage to her villi, because of that she has absorption issues so she milks close to 8#. That is ok we are fine with 7-8 on her. But just the body size is really interesting.
I guess because we see our goats all the time and we have slow growing goats it just took me by surprise to see that on the stand. I kinda don't notice that when I am just loving on them or they are just walking around.

Don't laugh but I am in the process of clipping everyone down, sometimes I get tired and need a break. This is Prynne.
Wings & Caprines Hester Prynne 13.5 months FF.JPG

Wings & Caprines Hester Prynne 13.5 months FF (2).JPG

Prynne is one of my favorites!
Look at her as a 3 month old... and now....
Wings & Caprines Prynne 3 months (1).JPG Wings & Caprines Hester Prynne 13.5 months FF.JPG
Hoping she goes on to do good things .. she has earned her restricted leg (Jr GCH 3x)
IMG_2737 - Copy.JPG Wings & Caprines Hester Prynne Jr GCH RCF Barb Norcross judge 2017 - Copy.JPG


Loving the herd life
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
Are we allowed to post photos of absolutely horrendous udders? I have a doe with a lopsided udder that I would like to breed to a better buck for a hopeful future doe. It's not even near future, just trying to learn what to look for as a future breeding for her.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Absolutely. The thread is about exactly what you mention. Looking at what you have and using bucks to improve the offspring.

I need to update a few pics myself. I have examples of how a particular buck contributed to 3 separate does.


Loving the herd life
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
This is a doe I purchased approx. 4 weeks ago now. She was giving me less than a pint a day and has increased to 1.5 QT per day with 1x per day milking. Her kid was 5 months when I got her so I'm kind of shocked she was able to increase production like that.

From what I was told, she is at least 4 years old, but probably older. She was never milked by hand before I got her.


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Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
This is a doe I purchased approx. 4 weeks ago now. She was giving me less than a pint a day and has increased to 1.5 QT per day with 1x per day milking. Her kid was 5 months when I got her so I'm kind of shocked she was able to increase production like that.

From what I was told, she is at least 4 years old, but probably older. She was never milked by hand before I got her.
I'm guessing the kid only ate off one side and that is why she is lopsided.
There could be other factors, but that is my guess.
When you milk her what do you get out of each half? I know she is up to 1.5 qts/ do you get anything out of the small side at all?
Are these pics of when she is full? Before milking?


Loving the herd life
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
The first two pics are from when she is full, approx. 24 hours although I'm debating on milking in the AM too before I head into work at 6AM. I just want to prevent mastitis and feel she may need to be milked more often now that her milk has increased.

Each side gives the same amount of milk. I would have thought the smaller side would have given less but they are each equal. The elongated side is easier to milk but neither are difficult at all.

The last pic is to show what the underside looks like after milking out completely.

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