Ridin' The Range
I've had this piglet for a week today, and have made every mistake makeable in pigdom. Outside temps went from 40's to 1 overnight on night 2, had severe scours on day 3 (Sun. naturally). Ended up making the kill hiim or cure him decision and gave him sulfameth/trimeth pills I had for calves then wormed him on Tues with Ivomec orally. He's still expelling worms off and on and his appetite and attitude are back to fiesty. This thing on his belly is squishy, not hot, he flops over the minute you touch it, so apparently not painful. He pees fine, a steady stream tho, not squirt and stop. I haven't seen boy piggy parts in a long time, but this doesn't look right? (And googling this topic is sending me too many places I don't even need to know existed) The laying down photo makes it look off to one side, but it's dead center.