hemet dennis
Chillin' with the herd
When you take an animal and put it in a cage that makes YOU responsible for everything to care for them. You can make nest boxes with wire bottoms for does that pee in them and anytime you put a nest box in to early most will poop and pee in them. To clean nest boxes spray with bleach water and set out in the sun. There are nest boxes with replaceable bottoms. Did you do any research before deciding to get rabbits ?KDailey said:We were keeping nest boxes in the cages 24/7 but all they do is pee and poop in them and eat the hay out of it. These boxes are wooden so the pee soaks into them. We had to rebuild new nest boxes because they ruined those. That is why we were watching for signs of pregnancy.
I do not appreciate the rudeness helmet dennis. I am learning and was doing the best I can. They did not look pregnant, act pregnant and on top of that they've gone at least a year with no babies so we were pretty sure they weren't going to have any but we were giving it one last go. I found the babies quickly and they are doing fine now. It's a rookie mistake, that's all. If you have helpful advice I am glad to hear it but the capital letters, excessive exclamation marks, head-banging smiley and slap in the face smiley weren't necessary.
Where did you get the idea to leave the bucks and does together ? Their are some people that raise rabbits in a colony setting but there is always a kindling spot for them 24/7.
You can change my name to whatever makes you feel better about yourself, but next time you decide to get a new animal do so research not for me or you but for the animal.