Unrealistic dog wish list


Loving the herd life
Jul 9, 2014
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@Baymule Just so you know...you've ruined me for any other dog now. I want Finn. And I have looked at the GP rescue site before. Just didn't see any point in looking long distance (and everywhere is long distance from Kansas.) I received a standard reply from the site saying I may or may not here from the individual and that I'd have the best luck getting a reply if I send a query about several dogs. It seems to me that, if they bother to give a detailed description about the dogs they would expect you to only inquire about the ones that are what you are looking for.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
Wanted to also let you know to look at the Anatolians too.

Yesterday we had a family come to the farm, I had talked with the gentleman several times during the week, he had noticed our "kangals" on the website. I mentioned we have Anatolians and not Kangals ( technically the same but Kangals are patented by name/region they came from in Turkey). Anyway he was so excited to see the dogs. The man is from Turkey and knows the breed well, his grandfather had Kangals for their 300 goats. Wehen he finally got to the farm we brought Callie up. Callie is our female Anatolian. A fierce guardian but a super gentle dog. The mans face lit up as he saw her. Callie came up, happy to meet the people, friendly loving and his 5 year old son gave Callie a kiss, Callie in kind gave one back. There were no issues no aggression, Callie is big so we told her to lay down, she did rolled on her back getting belly rubs from all.
The man knows these dogs well, he said THIS IS what the dogs are suppose to be like. He was in love. His wife reminded him they were here for chickens. LOL The conversation led to how wonderful and stable these Shepherd dogs are and how they really are a soft heart. Meantime 2 of my Pyrs wouldn't in a million years let them pet them. They are behind a 6 ft fence.
Our one male pyr is fine, and so are pups.
Truly pyrs can be extremely bondy with family only. If grandchildren are not around all the time thr dogs may or may not be ok with them.
I encourage you to look at the Anatolians too. FANTASTIC DOGS.
Out of all the farms I have been to, I have been able to go in with every Anatolian, cannot say that about the pyrs. Yet the pyr's really are my heart and my love.
Anatolians are far less roamy than pyrs. many will stay on property without fences everywhere. (NOT something I recommend)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
@MsDeb Keep after 'em until you hear something about Finn. I just gotta a feeling....... Sometimes things are just meant to be. You posted about your unrealistic dream dog and he showed up. Austin is nice this time of year....


Loving the herd life
Jul 9, 2014
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@Baymule. I searched the net last night trying to find other ways to connect. Couldnt get any info by googling the email name. Sounds like a terrier rescue so i searched those. Will send another query and see what happens.


Loving the herd life
Jul 9, 2014
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After sending a second inquiry, Finn's rescuer called me back. We talked for a long time. Got lots of great info from her and he sounds like the perfect fit. if I'm really lucky, might actually get Finn! :fl Will just have to figure out how to get him from Austin TX to Lawrence KS. If anyone is traveling this way and wouldn't mind transporting a large, lovable dog, please let me know.
Sep 7, 2014
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Hello ya'll! I am Finn's foster mom. (He is the central Texas pyrenees posted on this thread.) Texas is absolutely overflowing with great LGD breed dogs. I have bred mini & standard dairy goats and am an independent rescuer/volunteer (dog/poultry/waterfowl/dove/pigeon rescue). I also work with a great team of 501c3 rescues (including folks from the pyrenees rescues someone posted on this thread) & other independent rescuers. We do what we can to rescue & rehome LGD breeds & crosses, which requires a lot of teamwork.

My pack is diverse but I have had a special emphasis on pyrenees ever since one of ours was stolen, killed, & dumped (among 6 other canine bodies) at a bridge 5 miles from home. Chazak's story made the news state wide & was featured on the Associated Press' Wire.

If there is anything I can do in Chazak's memory to help, please let me know. We in Texas are quite overwhelmed & are always in need of good homes. It is true that some rescues will not (or strongly prefer not to) adopt LGD breed dogs to working homes. However, there are rescues & individuals that will. And some of the rescued dogs are clearly from working homes, to one degree or another. Many won't necessarily stay with the herd (though some will) but are great duel purpose companions & guardians for the small homestead.

If anyone is interested in looking for a match in Texas, please email me with the details of what you are seeking & I will put the word out with my rescue contacts.

You can also find me on Facebook (a very valuable networking tool for rescuers) at www.facebook.com/Chazak.Speaks


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Welcome @Ellie (aka Chazak Speaks) !!! I am in east Texas, moving at end of the year to the Tyler area. Maybe this forum can help you find homes for LGD's, we certainly have people here that love them!

I am so happy that Finn has found a home! How funny that @MsDeb started this thread with a wish list and it is now coming true! I just love happy stories! Now we just gotta figure out how to get this match made in LGD Heaven to Kansas!

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