sounds like when she was pulled it is out of place, that is why it is longer, and it is most likely swelled up. when we have to go in for a kid, we try to turn them so they are nose first and two feet coming out, then you pull but pull down gently, and the baby should come right out. sometimes it happens, the leg should be checked, I don't know how to put back when something is out of socket, maybe someone one here will know... or is there a vet you can take it to?
she is adorable!!!
Do you have a Tractor Supply Co. nearby? They sell nipples that are great for baby goats...almost like mamma. They are called Pritchard ( I think I'm spelling it right) they are a screw on type with a yellow cap and a red nipple. They screw on to a coke or sprite bottle. THEY WORK GREAT!! If you are going to bottle feed her or any baby goat for that matter - they work the best. I've used them all - and these are the best. When you get them (pack of two) there will be a elongated tip on the end. Cut it off at an don't want the baby to have to work and work to get the milk...if the baby is weak they get tired. However, at the same time you don't want it to flow too strong either. The best thing to do is use Mom's milk if you can...esp for the first 24 hours.If not - and you have to use Milk Replacer DO NOT OVERFEED! Small amounts often - is the best way! After several days you can increase her feeding amount by just a little more to accomodate her growth. Baby goats are wonderful little creatures...I hope you enjoy yours and wish you all the best. Keep us posted. If you have any questions...let us know I'll be watching for your posts/updates. Thanks for sharing - good luck!
Give her a shot of BoSe like what was suggested before. If she was my kid I'd forget the milk replacer especially since mom has milk for her and you can hold her to nurse. Besides you'll have to feed her just as often anyway Mother's milk is always best
Hi guys! The smaller baby is doing much better. We have been keeping her out with the momma and sister. She can walk and almost run now and is very playful. She is even nursing on her own!