yes, the butt thing is normal, Nothing more frustrating than getting a weak baby standing and nursing just to have mom knock it off with her over zealous mothering skills.
I've not heard of the teat sucking thing in goats, but I know in HUMANS, nipple stimulation stimulates contractions during labor, so maybe she knows this too!
The baby is lovely, congrats.
BTW, I always help dry off my babies with towels and "pee pads". I usually move them to the front of mom too, if she's still laying down, so she has easy access to lick them off. Not sure why your mom said not to touch the baby ((shrug)).
Also, the easiest way to tell the sex of the baby is to count the holes. 1 hole = boy. 2 holes = girl. It's easier to see than looking for male "equipment" lol. cashmere is weird i guess.
Thanks, I think they where worried cashmere would reject the baby.
Yeah, that's how I'm doing it. ^^ She's got two holes, and pee's like her momma. they even had a mamma and daughter pee. cashmere and the baby peed side by side at the same time.
Ok, i got the weird goat.... she's in heat and won't even look at the baby. Thankfully it can still get milk from her, Our misty is keeping star warm and cuddling her.
Thank god we moved Bolt to a different room, no more kids for cashmere. But it's funny she's trying to get into Bolt's room.
Updated pic's(took the last night before cashmere came into heat.)
Soooo cute! I hope momma decides she wants to look after her baby again when her heat finishes. (Unless you want to keep her as a bottle baby of course. )