Chillin' with the herd
So my Nubian doe is due in 12 days. I have noticed she has become very quiet and dreamy. Normally she is the jump up and yell for you type and gets very excitable about things. Today she did not even leave the barn when every one else went out to graze. After I led her out there she just stood in the field for a while and fell asleep. I later found her snoozing in the barn by her self. She is nor very hungry just sort of picks at feed. When she is awake she just sort of stares off wistfully. I moved her into the kidding stall since she did not want to be with the herd anyways. No colostrum or anything so I think she has a bit to go still but anyone else found that some of their does do this before kidding. The best example I can give is someone who is high. She is acting very blissfully stoned. Definitely not acting sick vitals all seem to be normal just off in her own world.