You should be fine checking every two hours. Stay with her once you see GOO. They can have contractions for hours before pushing.
(Now I have Lamacnhas, not Nigerians, so some NIgerian person correct me if it's different!)
Spotz was having contractions for about an hour and a half before she pushed out the first bubble. Good luck!!! Hope everything goes without any problems!
Elsie had goo for several days, not the long string, just a small amount. She never had the long string. She was uneasy for a day, up and down, and just uncomfortable. Once she started having contractions, she did that for about 15 minutes, pushed 2 times, and we had babies. From first contraction at 4:30pm to 3 babies on the ground at 5:10pm. So once they decide to go, it can be very quick. Of course if you plan on that, it will take them hours or days..that's just doe code. Good luck.
She had a long red string of goo at 4:30. Starting to have contractions but no pushing yet. Came to get a quick bite. I'll let yall know when we have babies!!
So we had babies!!! A buck and a doe! The doe is the buckskin with blue eyes:
It wasn't extremely eventful. She started pushing around 8:00. The boy was born at 8:55. The girl was born 20 minutes later. The boy came out head first, no feet. I just rubbed my finger around his shoulders and he popped out! I didn't have to push him back in and rearrange. It took a while to get the buck to figure out how to nurse but he eventually got it. Haven't gotten a chance to weigh them. After checking on her every 2 hours since Friday I was exausted!