Herd Master
The only thing I’ve ever heard, is that someone hits your livestock with their car, your responsible. somewhat grey lined for me...out west, where it’s flat for can see huge cows in the road. So, if you hit them...I think it’s your fault. Here, if one of my crazy goats darted out like a deer and got hit, then I could see. We keep them on the back pasture, even though free range. If they ever wander front...that’ll be the en$ of the free range. Cattle panels are definitely the way to go. We use 2x4 to secure them now, so we can rotate the pasture. Then we just hit it in with sledgehammers. I’m getting hot wire too. But, right now, the kids, they fit right through the the fencing is useless until they are older.^plus zip ties get brittle over time especially with sun exposure. Congrats on capturing your lamb. Be patient. He’ll take the bottle and bond. Then you’ll not be able to keep him out from under foot. I’ve never heard of fines for escapes unless it’s chronic or some kind of serious damage happened. You may want to alert neighbors or use a neighborhood app. And these things happen to us all. Hang in there.