Critter Addict ♥
Unless it's an all out emergency, we do our vetting ourselves here. But even then, our vet is relatively inexpensive compared to most. When we had to call out the vet to try to save our horse the total cost was under $250 for all that they did. Fecals run us $16 each if we take them.
The reason so many here say "call the vet" is that when the person asking is new to their animals they don't have the experience necessary to vet themselves. Or the situation warrants a call to the vet for a consult.
Like SheepGirl, we have a good relationship with our vet and often do consults over the phone - at ZERO charge. Build your relationship and then utilize your vet in better ways.
The reason so many here say "call the vet" is that when the person asking is new to their animals they don't have the experience necessary to vet themselves. Or the situation warrants a call to the vet for a consult.
Like SheepGirl, we have a good relationship with our vet and often do consults over the phone - at ZERO charge. Build your relationship and then utilize your vet in better ways.