Yes, Purple, Eatem as in eat 'em Although Nicolas said he wanted to name the baby Yuri (after one of the Call of Duty characters), so the new name is Yuri Eatem. Then Harli said we couldn't eat him because they were born on the day of her bday party. Well, I said, someone has to get eaten. The vote is still out . . . .
Babies are doing well. I milked Masey last night. The babies were nursing from one side, I think because she was so engorged. I got almost 2 quarts out of the side they weren't nursing from. Maybe now they will nurse on both sides. I'll keep milking in the evenings and she how her production goes. Made cheese last night with Emma's milk. Used 2 gallons for the cheese and had 3 quarts left over, so we have a quart, mom has a quart, and I gave a quart to my sister. I haven't mixed in the flavor of the cheese yet. I wanted to make smoked jalapeno, but I am out of liquid smoke, so I'll do some other favor this evening.
Lanced Brisket's abscess last night. Everything went smoothly and it looked like "regular" goo, so I'll clean it out again with iodine this evening and see if I can get anything else out, but it looked pretty clean last night. Hopefully it will heal the 5th so I can sell him. I decided since I'm buying a registered buck, I'm going to sell Jack and Brisket and keep Ghost for us to eat.
1 doe, 1 buck. the cute little brown thing is the doe
we haven't picked out names yet, but it was suggested that the buck be named, Eatem 2
Did eat some of the cheese last night. Just sprinkled garlic powder on it - it was yummy. But I made the mistake of using some store bought jalapenos instead of the ones I canned - can you say: hot, hot, hot???!!!!!
I did milk the girls last night but didn't get much milk, so I'll think I need to change to in the morning, but really until the babies get a little older and I start locking them up, I'm not expecting a ton of milk, but I can always hope can't I?
My sister called from school yesterday giving me a head's up that Nic might have pink eye. I took him in this morning to see the dr. No pink eye!! just really bad allergies. prescribed a nasal spray, eye drops, and zyrtec. Wished she could have given me something. I feel like crap. Oh well, at least he's not sick. He was really pissed that I wouldn't let him stay home tho he said "Ms Rivers [his teacher] said if I have red eye, I need to stay home." I couldn't get him to understand that even though his eyes were red, it wasn't "pink"eye . . .
well, when it rains it pours - Went out this past Sunday to feed my flock and found my BCM show roo dead. No idea what happened. Unless he got an infection from getting into a fight with another roo the weekend before - even though he didn't appear to have any life threatening injuries and we did treat the injuries he had. Breeding plan back to square one until I can find another roo. crap , crap, and more crap.
Tuesday I went to the dr - I have pink eye. I stayed home yesterday but came to work today, but wish I didn't, I still feel like crap. Dr said I'm not contagious anymore, so I guess that's a plus.
Attending the trade day in Conroe Sunday. Hoping to sell Jack, 15 chickens, and 3 rabbits. Would be great to get those chickens off my feed bill. I'm pretty sure they are not laying anymore and as harsh as it sounds, I can't afford to run a chicky retirement home. If they can't produce, they have to go.
Goats are doing fine. I'm wondering if it's too soon to start milking Daisi and Masey. Kids are 2 weeks old. If I started milking now would it increase their milk / stay the same / not be worth my time?
Nicolas came home from school Monday and told me "Mommy I didn't have any drama today." The additional dosage in the afternoon does seem to be making a difference.