Vickir73 & The Chunky Dunk!! - pics of first show


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
milk has gotten better, so I'm thinking they ate something "bad" when they were free-ranging, guess they won't be allowed anymore yard time. Getting about 2 gallons of milk a day. We've started giving it to the pigs 'cause I can't make cheese fast enough.

Show last Saturday went well. The Judges really seemed to like Zoey, but both judges said she was carrying too much weight. They knew she is due in June, but it's really hard to see her body (and she wasn't shaved) so my brother will be taking her to the State Fair in Dallas at the end of September. Hopefully we will be taking Leah, Chloe and Angie as juniors and Jasmine, Fudge, Zoey, & Masey as seniors.

Working on getting the girls tattooed and registered.

Show was very exciting - it's funny how quickly everything came back to me. It was just like breathing.

Milking 5 goats by hand in the morning is taking some getting used too. I hurt my back a few weeks ago and it's not getting any better, then this morning on the way back to the house with the milk, I tripped in a blasted hole, pulled my back, spilled the milk and broke my good flip flops. Does this make me a "hick" when I break the "good" pair of flips???? :lol:

Anyhow, then I closed Nic's foot in the car door (he'll be ok) and then when I stopped at the convenience store to get a soda, I left the window down and it decided to rain so I had a wet a** by the time I got to work.

Really gotta do something about my weight. The show just about killed me I think (besides the fact that I was up for 20 hours) and I know that's not helping the back situation, but I'm not sure my scale wants me on it to be able to weigh myself . . . :)

Gonna try to rest this weekend, but we'll see. We really need to work on the septic tank as it's overflowing AGAIN :rant

Here's Jason



both of us (yes, I'm not in full dress, but I hadn't planned on getting in the ring - I was just helping someone who needed an extra handler) Our friend who took the pics laughed because she said it looked like synchronized goat handling







Nephew graduated Kinder yesterday and the elementary received awards. Nic made the A/B honor roll and Harli received the "Independent Woman" award - her teachers says "Harli does what she wants when she wants to do it!!" I'm only gonna see this in a positive light :)

Still really haven't come up with any diary room ideas, although at the show we made contact with someone my brother has known for about 20 years. She and her husband own a dairy and she invited us up to see their set up.

My brother did great at the show (even though we couldn't find him white pants, we did find white shorts, which worked in a pinch, but we'll be finding him some pants) - he does have a way with goats.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
got some disappointing news today. I'm unable to register Masey as NOA because of her ears :hit I was so looking forward to getting her in the ring. I can't register her doe either because her doe's ears are also too big; however, if I breed her doe to a full Lamancha (which I have), if she has does, I could get them papered. Very disappointed - but it's not the end of the world, I guess.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
well my sister has been milking in the evenings because of my back - which doesn't seem to be in any hurry to get better. Yes, I know you are supposed to stop doing things to let it rest, but when you have animals, how are you supposed to "stop"?? Lesli is helping me as much as she can, but there is no one jumping up at 5 am to say, "Here let me milk!!" :cool:

Fudge's udder doesn't seem to be getting better - but it doesn't seem like the ants are still biting her - it's just a big scab between her teats and it's very uncomfortable for her. I've had to start holding her leg while I milk the one side, which then she kicks, which jars my back, which pisses me off - but i know it's not her fault, so I try my best to keep my cool. My sister has had to pop her a couple of times, but not hard, just to get her to stop being ridiculous. We don't want her to get in the habit of acting crazy on the stand.

I'm spraying vetrimycin on it. I'm wondering if I should scrub it this evening ?? I don't know. It's in a bad spot with it being on her udder. I don't want to take the scab off and let dirt get in it and it get infected, but I'd like to get the dirt off of it so I can make sure the spray gets on the wound and not just the dirt. Just ordered some vetrimycin hot spot, so as soon as that comes in, i'll start applying that.

Found out this week that DD passed the math portion of the the STARR test. I'm so proud of her and she is sooooo happy. Well come to find out she told her class that if they all passed the math portion (just about everyone had to retake it) they could have a pool party at our house. Well, guess what???!!!! Everyone passed. So, pool party at our house - I told her "Baby Girl, could you run this kinda stuff by me first?" So we'll just do a combination party for her class and Nic's bday next Saturday. What fun :fl

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Good luck with Fudge's udder!!! Sometimes it is hard to know the right thing to do when trying to help animals! Usually I just go with gut instinct! :hu
Congrats to your DD!!!!!!! Thats awesome!!! :clap


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
Congrats to your DD : celebrate
I wash my does with soap and hot water that way I catch whatever might flake off. When Brownie had a sore spot I used udder balm,it worked really well.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
I've been spraying Vetrimycin spray on her twice a day and it seems to be healed over and the scab is starting to flake off in spots. I also just received some Vetrimycin hot spot and in the next day or two I'll probably go head and take the rest of the scab off and start applying the Hot Spot spray. She's not acting like it is bothering her anymore so I think it's pretty much healed up. Her milk production hasn't really seemed to suffer much so that's good.

Noticed last night that Diasi had scours and seemed to be loosing weight. Her eyelids weren't pale, but weren't nice and pink either and her temp was 105 (only kept the thermometer in for 2 minutes, so I'm not sure if that was long enough or not) and she seemed not quite herself so I gave her probios, B complex, and Cydectin. This morning I didn't notice the scours, but she was back up and about like her normal self, so hopefully, the treatment did the trick. We'll see. She was eating last night so hopefully I caught whatever it was before it got back enough for her to quit eating. She was definitely ready for breakfast this morning. I'll see this evening if I can watcher her a little longer to see if the scours have improved.

I wormed everyone awhile back with copper bolus, but am wondering if that wasn't sufficient for all the worms - and I'm wondering if they got enough because I couldn't get them to eat it (have tried putting it in peanut butter, which they turned their noses at) so I just sprinkled it on their feed, so I really couldn't tell if they got all the amount they were supposed to get.

My son is wanting to know why I can't take the summer off and I tried to explain to him that my job is all year round and he said, "well why don't you get another one that's closer to home?" wish I could baby boy :rolleyes:


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
I understand the wanting to he closer to home. On the goat note I was told Barberpole is going to be a really bad year. I have a few gots with scours to it seems that they are eating too much grain and green so back on the hay they go and only will get grain once a week. Mine seem to have finicky stomachs :th

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
Didn't know that copper would actually treat worms. We are going to be adding in copper after the does kid. We have some thin fur on tail tips and I am betting on copper.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Pearce Pastures said:
Didn't know that copper would actually treat worms. We are going to be adding in copper after the does kid. We have some thin fur on tail tips and I am betting on copper.
There is some evidence that COWP (copper oxide wire particles or copasure) will kill worms with contact. It's definitely another tool in the tool box.