Overrun with beasties
Right now I am using straw. I would like to improve absorbent and odor control. I read some of you use pine shavings and at least one uses kitty litter or combination of pine shaving and straw. I went to a pet store earlier and found some bedding options for small animals and wonder if I could use it too? These are some examples of the bedding/cat litter I found.
Carefresh Pet Bedding Natural Pet Bedding-3370
Green Pet Aspen....
Feline pine pellet
Planet petco pine pellet Petco Natural Pine Pellet Cat Litter-115187
Newspaper based....
Do you think any of these are ok for goats? I know there is some kind of wood pellet that can be used at animal bedding...soak in water to expand it and then use that as bedding. I would love to find something to put underneath the straw to make it better or totally replace the straw if that's causing one of my kids' allergy. (for those who don't know, I thought Walter is sick with a cold but not, it may be allergy....) Anyway, any thought?
Carefresh Pet Bedding Natural Pet Bedding-3370
Green Pet Aspen....
Feline pine pellet
Planet petco pine pellet Petco Natural Pine Pellet Cat Litter-115187
Newspaper based....
Do you think any of these are ok for goats? I know there is some kind of wood pellet that can be used at animal bedding...soak in water to expand it and then use that as bedding. I would love to find something to put underneath the straw to make it better or totally replace the straw if that's causing one of my kids' allergy. (for those who don't know, I thought Walter is sick with a cold but not, it may be allergy....) Anyway, any thought?