Overrun with beasties
My goats are finally here! Just yesterday we brought home two nubian does from a holistic dairy goat farm. These goats, to my novice eye, appear very healthy. I can't help but wonder, however, about their grain feed. They are not on a commercial grain feed, but instead are given a grain mix in the milking stand. The mix is 2/3 oats and 1/3 BOSS. They have a little less than a cup in the morning and the same again in the evening at milking time. They have always had good quality hay free choice at all times. They are given occasional minerals, though not free choice.
From what I've gathered from here and from FiascoFarm this doesn't seem near enough for milkers. I will be drying these girls up over the next month as they are both expecting (one at the end of Feb, the other at the beginning of Mar). I've helped milk these does at the dairy for several months now and I really don't think they give as much milk as their capable of and my gut tells me it's likely due to their feedings. With 13 does she gets 2.5 gallons at each milking 5 gallons seems rather low from what I've read is typical for Nubians.
So they're here with me now and I would like to make changes, though I don't know where to start and quite honestly I'm rather intimidated at the thought of changing things on them. I know being taken from their herd and transporting were likely very stressful for them. I bought oats and BOSS just so that I'd have their exact grain mix to start with so I didn't stress them further by changing things right off the bat. I have, what appears to me, to be quality alfalfa/grass mix hay (75/25 ration). They seem to be happy with it and are content to munch it on and off all day. I have been adding a tsp of probios to their 1 cup of oats at each milking as a preventative due to the stress of moving. I'd like to start upping their grain, and at the very least, adding more nutrients any suggestions on how I should do this? I have an organic dairy feed on order, should arrive on Friday, my plan is to start mixing some of this in. I know there are no set rules for how much grain a dairy goat should get, but is their a base-line that I should start working towards?
Are the recommendations from FiascoFarm a good starting point? The grain recommended almost seemed sort of high to me. Can't too much grain cause acidosis? And even when I dry them up for the last two months of gestation, I continue to grain them, right?
I have MannaPro minerals for them is it ok to start offering that free choice immediately or does that need to be worked in over time as well? And I've read good things about kelp granules how are those generally offered? Can kelp be started immediately as well, or should that come later, after my other changes?
One more, if you don't mind. I'm very worried about ketosis (sometimes reading on the internet can cause more concern instead of alleviating it the way I had hoped). If I understand it right, a glucose source can prevent that. Can I add molasses to their water as a preventative? If so, would I add it daily or just occasionally and how much? I added a Tbsp to their water this evening just to encourage them to drink (again, worried about them due to transport and I haven't seen them drink much) and after all day long of hardly a sip of their water they sucked down all but the last little bit within 15 minutes or so. I certainly don't want to spoil them so that they won't drink water without molasses, but healthy does that make it through pregnancy and postpartum with healthy kids would be great!
Lots of questions, I know. Sorry, I'm a complete newbie! If you made it through my entire post I thank you very much for your time and patience!
From what I've gathered from here and from FiascoFarm this doesn't seem near enough for milkers. I will be drying these girls up over the next month as they are both expecting (one at the end of Feb, the other at the beginning of Mar). I've helped milk these does at the dairy for several months now and I really don't think they give as much milk as their capable of and my gut tells me it's likely due to their feedings. With 13 does she gets 2.5 gallons at each milking 5 gallons seems rather low from what I've read is typical for Nubians.
So they're here with me now and I would like to make changes, though I don't know where to start and quite honestly I'm rather intimidated at the thought of changing things on them. I know being taken from their herd and transporting were likely very stressful for them. I bought oats and BOSS just so that I'd have their exact grain mix to start with so I didn't stress them further by changing things right off the bat. I have, what appears to me, to be quality alfalfa/grass mix hay (75/25 ration). They seem to be happy with it and are content to munch it on and off all day. I have been adding a tsp of probios to their 1 cup of oats at each milking as a preventative due to the stress of moving. I'd like to start upping their grain, and at the very least, adding more nutrients any suggestions on how I should do this? I have an organic dairy feed on order, should arrive on Friday, my plan is to start mixing some of this in. I know there are no set rules for how much grain a dairy goat should get, but is their a base-line that I should start working towards?
Are the recommendations from FiascoFarm a good starting point? The grain recommended almost seemed sort of high to me. Can't too much grain cause acidosis? And even when I dry them up for the last two months of gestation, I continue to grain them, right?
I have MannaPro minerals for them is it ok to start offering that free choice immediately or does that need to be worked in over time as well? And I've read good things about kelp granules how are those generally offered? Can kelp be started immediately as well, or should that come later, after my other changes?
One more, if you don't mind. I'm very worried about ketosis (sometimes reading on the internet can cause more concern instead of alleviating it the way I had hoped). If I understand it right, a glucose source can prevent that. Can I add molasses to their water as a preventative? If so, would I add it daily or just occasionally and how much? I added a Tbsp to their water this evening just to encourage them to drink (again, worried about them due to transport and I haven't seen them drink much) and after all day long of hardly a sip of their water they sucked down all but the last little bit within 15 minutes or so. I certainly don't want to spoil them so that they won't drink water without molasses, but healthy does that make it through pregnancy and postpartum with healthy kids would be great!
Lots of questions, I know. Sorry, I'm a complete newbie! If you made it through my entire post I thank you very much for your time and patience!