Loving the herd life
I’ve been toying with a new gravity fed system for Summer pasture (which is daily on the move). A 300 gal. Trailered ‘Water Buffalo’ (old military troop water carrier tank on wheels) andd multiple shallow gravity fed troughs using a simple toilet valve covered on one end of the trough with a piece of sheet metal. They have the pluses of being cheap, incredibly reliable for years and can be adjusted for whatever depth I like. I have had goats and they prefer clean and fresh but there were a few times that I got behind and the tub got a bit….’green’. It was not their preference but they never went thirsty…just a bit vocal. My sheep on the other hand will actually deprive themselves if I don’t keep it clean and clear. Oddly, they get spooked if they can’t see the bottom of the trough. I’m going to shallow system all around but will be buying internally heated hose to take the water from a heated tank through the heated hose to a heated trough. My biggest gripe with this system is that it uses a lot of electricity at a time when energy is soaring in cost….but that’s NEXT Winter! This one is pretty much over…a couple more weeks.I've heard goats are 'very' picky about water quality and larger or deeper troughs pose a risk to kids. Sheep are not picky at all and will happily drink pond scum.
Freezing isn't an issue here, so can't comment on that, but we use alkathene pipe and fittings with rainwater collection (from a roofed IBC) on a gravity system with ballcocks - aka float valves.
I try to keep the troughs to a smaller surface area to limit the rate of evaporation as much as possible, or have them shaded, and keep a bunch of flexi-tubs handy for temporary placement.
When we moved in here, there was only one proper trough feeding two of the smaller paddocks and the main paddock trough wasn't properly irrigated. It's been a bit of an uphill battle moving the water around, but I now have 3 reliable water sources out there, which I'm happy with.