Range nerd & bovine enthusiast
The farm gets buzzed too occaisonally by one of my brothers' friends who flies who knows us well...same son I just talked about who's pa died of cancer who was best friends with my dad. It's kinda neat to have him fly over, LOL sure surprises us too! It would be really neat to be up in an airplane and see the farm from high up. I've yet to do that...Farmer Kitty said:My uncle has a friend with a small plane and when I was growing up they would be out flying and buzz the house once in a while. I do mean buzz. Not sure what the plane was but, it reminded my of a large bee sound.Imissmygirls said:I grew up always looking at the sky.
My Pop loved planes and was a charter member of the PA Flying Farmers Assoc. ( yes there is a national assoc too.) He never got to OshKosh WI to see the experimentals but he wanted to go. He had many pilot friends and a private airstrip 1500 ft on the farm. One of the equipment sheds housed his small ragbagtaildraggin Piper Supercruiser and we occasionally were allowed to touch it. Pop worked very long hours on the family farm and seldom got the opportunity to actually fly but he loved it dearly. In his old age he had Parkinsons and couldn't climb into the plane but a buddy of his flew it and would give my kids rides in it. They all still love flying in the small planes.
Pilots are a tight group... just like farmers.