True BYH Addict
You are giving free choice of oyster shell and grit right? Could be cooler in the box than out and about.... Are any of the other chickens picking on her?
They free range so there are lots of cooler areas. No one is picking on her. They have access to oyster shells. Don’t see them eating them necessarily. I typically mix grit with their food.You are giving free choice of oyster shell and grit right? Could be cooler in the box than out and about.... Are any of the other chickens picking on her?
Seems like you just described exactly what she’s doing. The breathing, moving about in the nest, her coloring is fine. Maybe she’s just trying to figure things out. I was just really worried about the heat. She can pretty much stay in the box all day today if she wants because it’s raining and therefore much cooler. She’s been docile, much more so than normal. My BO’s don’t care to much to be touched. I’ve stood over her, dripped water into her mouth and on her waffles and comb.I hope the egg tasted fine.
Hens vary a lot in their egg laying behaviour. Some go into their favourite spot, sit there for a minute or two and lay (the hen stands up as the egg is laid). As soon as the egg is out they leave......some singing the s0-called 'egg song', and all the other flock members, including roosters, joining in. Others go in there and sit for hours, lay the egg, and still sit there for another hour or two before leaving silently. Once a hen establishes a pattern, this pattern will be repeated. The egg laying cycle is said to be 25 hours, so that a hen lays later and later in the day, then misses a day. Again, as with all biological systems, not all do this.(I have several who lay at exactly the same time each day).
Now, if the hen goes into the nest box and stays there and WON'T come out (may or may not have laid), puffs up her feathers, may peck you, and makes a weird seagull-like noise......she's broody.
It's hot here right now (nothing like the hot that some of you will be experiencing!) and my hens are panting whilst laying (beak open and short, sharp breaths). If possible try to shade the coop, offer water, try to persuade them to lay elsewhere in the shade with rubber eggs etc. If the hen is getting way too uncomfortable she will usually move herself, however, and you don't need to worry too much.
Good Luck.