Chillin' with the herd
We are first timers at this. I'm looking for some wisdom so we can hopefully avoid this in the future. I can't help feeling like there's more I should've done. On Wednesday evening we took our 3 week old Nigerian Dwarf buckling to my vet's house. She injected clove essential oil to disbud him. We know this is an experimental technique but thought the risks seemed minimal. He seemed fine that evening but the next morning he was lethargic and had rapid breathing. We thought it was pain so we gave him banamine. It seemed to help some, but yesterday evening he was bad again, with very rapid, audible breathing. I gave him another dose of banamine. He made it through the night but died early this morning while I was preparing a bottle for him (I wasn't sure mom was allowing him to nurse enough). I'm devastated as I feel that it was all my fault. Any suggestions? We won't be using the clove oil again but we did another, younger buckling too who seems totally fine. Could the stress of the trip to the vets have brought on pneumonia? Should we have started him on antibiotics the minute his breathing got bad?