Jonah is showing some bulk there in his pic. If looking for a bull or steer, based solely on pics, he'd be on my list. Chunky Monkey in the right places, IMO. I'm not a cattle person but, I like that one & would expect good things.
Seems you got several heifers this year. NICE! I like the white tipped tail.
Dolly delivered her bull calf while we were at church service this morning. Came home to them being antagonized by those blasted buzzards with the white tips on their wings. DH scared them off with some bird shot. He’d have liked to really blast them but too afraid of the repercussions unless this didn’t work. No sign of them for the rest of the day. Pics to come after I can get some. Dolly was pretty nervous between the birds and gunshots so we let them be. His sire is Fred. We have two more cows to go.
Those Black Vultures are evil. I get a permit every year to take out a few and make it a point to shoot at least one and hang it from a tree. That makes all of the others go away.
@Mike CHS we’ve asked about permits here. No such thing despite numerous losses of livestock in our county from them. We will do whatever it takes but will abide by the law for as long as we can without incurring a loss. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I miss Queenie so much right now! She would’ve never let them land in the field!!
I don't know how the politics works around those vultures but Farm Bureau gets the permits and issues sub permits. I did a quick search and found quite a few states do it through them but again I have no idea what the details are around that.