I hope they have a heat in Jan for you. Depending on their size (rather than age), you may be able to breed them in December... That will put them at 15 months when they kid... Will be interesting to see when they start and how long they continue to cycle as you're further north and days will get shorter faster and earlier as well as temp drops earlier.The Lamanchas won’t be one until Feb so I’d like to catch their heats in Jan and breed them if big enough.
I look at all your baby cow/bull pictures that you post and they all look the same to me except the white and black one...(I know color doesn’t milk but if I’m milking them, I may as well like their color!) I also like the kids being able to tell everyone apart.
I won’t be that person that breeds for color or blue eyes or polled. To me that’s just something that can be an added bonus, milk and conformation are more important.
Why not breed for ALL of those things? Would take potentially a little longer to breed in all the various variables you're looking for, but you're YOUNG and have time yet to do it. (one of the things I had set out wanting to do but now realize I doubt I'll have the years available to finish).