Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
Lots to update y’all on!!

Your beliefs may not be the same as mine but I was healed at church during two separate services. My bile reflux and cesarean scar tissue in one day and a huge lump in one of my breasts during another within the week. I hadn’t been without pain in more than 4 years. I feel like a new person!!

We are buying a pig ready to butcher from DH’s best friend. Bout out of pork and don’t have time to get a pen ready and wait on one to get done. Just need to make a butcher appt.

Culled some older chickens that were no longer laying or laying extremely fragile eggs. They were almost three. Also an extra rooster at that time.

Cleaned and rearranged some chickens pens. Still after DH to get the big shed moved her to improve the setup before winter.

Buck pens got built! Each is at least 10x32 feet but one end is angled out so actually larger. The two bucklings (Theo and Alvin) have a space where they can get in the lean-to. The senior bucks (Knight and King) have an older dog house to get in. These runs are somewhat temporary until we decide if we will keep them here or move them further from the main barn. They have easy access for heated waterers for the winter right now though. We also have a gate into the senior pen then a gate going from there into the junior pen that are wide enough for the lawnmower to get in with.

This is midway down the senior pen. The gate into the junior pen is on the left. You can see the sleeve of DD2’s blue jacket by the gate. Jewel was trying to stay warm while overseeing.

View from the other side of Jewel, looking back up at lean-to. This is the other end of the senior pen with their large dog house. Junior pen is along the right hand fence.

View of junior pen showing opening to lean-to shelter for them. Steer pen for show steers that haven’t left yet is the very far right.

Lower part of Junior pen that backs up to the cattle pasture. Gate into senior pen is evidenced by DD2 in blue.

Lean-to shelter for junior bucks. I bedded them down with hay from their hay feeder that they’d been standing on. It’s about 6 feet deep and four feet wide approximately. If the weather is going to be really bad, we can tarp some of the opening to give them more protection, though the opening is to the South.

Boys in their new pens with Jordan checking them out. Senior pen (closest) is King-L and Knight-R. Junior pen is Theo-L and Alvin-R. Yes, the boys have pink water buckets! Lol

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
DH’s truck was fixed after a brand new faulty alternator was replaced but has since acted up again. Ugh! Not sure the game plan on that.

Both tractors have some type of mechanical issue and are torn apart. We have a skid steer on loan for the time being. DH has been playing! Lol

He had some projects during the buck pen build like moving a chicken pen. The ground was slimy enough that he couldn’t get traction with the tires. He also almost took out another pen. I ended up pulling him out twice with my Expedition and ended up busting a brake line that was rusted. Ugh!
I took a few pics for y’all.

Oscar on the roof of the dog house/buck shelter when the forks were holding it up.

In a tight spot.

Rut pictures. I made him stop as I didn’t want my buck pens to start out a muddy mess!

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
I also failed on getting this summer’s kittens sterilized and we now have a litter on the way. Of course it’s DD2’s so I’ll just let her have them. Hoping for a small litter. DH has agreed to let the kids keep two and his brother said they’d take one for their barn so fingers crossed that we just end up with 3!

Ella (the Mom) all pics from this morning.

I’m assuming Wilson is the Dad since we haven’t seen any other tomcats around.

Pic from milking the other day with all my help. Wilson is closest to my leg on the right. In front of Wilson is Oscar. Mickey is the gray in the middle. Left yellow cat is Chester and Ella is the black and white.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Your beliefs may not be the same as mine but I was healed at church during two separate services. My bile reflux and cesarean scar tissue in one day and a huge lump in one of my breasts during another within the week. I hadn’t been without pain in more than 4 years. I feel like a new person!!
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