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- #291
Wehner Homestead
Herd Master
Impacted crop on a chick that young? Wow, never heard of such a thing. Hope she pulls through. And sorry about DD1's BA Hard to lose one no matter how old you are.
That waterfall is on your property?? COOL!!!!
Easter Eggers will have green legs, those look yellow. I've never had a GLW so I can't say "looks (or doesn't) like one to me".
From my research, I think the pine shavings are finer than what we normally use. I didn’t inspect the BA that passed this closely so no idea if it was the same thing. This one is now opening its eyes, drinking more greedily, and making small noises now. I’ll at least keep trying for now. If I think she’s suffering, I won’t let her live like that. It would just make it harder on the kids anyway.
The waterfall is on our property. We love it!
I’ll have to check the legs on the other three! I have no clue! I’m sure it’ll be fine either way.