Herd Master
I had a friend that was fascinated with chocolate and harlequins (but was hopeless with genetics); she wanted me to breed some chocolate magpies from some harlequin dwarfs she had. I checked and checked when they were young, some seemed like their teeth were perfectly fine, but by the time they were of breeding age, every dang one of them had bad teeth. I finally just had to abandon the project - it was too frustrating!amy bart said:Hi Bunnylady, I leaned that the hard way in the '80s when I had 31 fr. lops from 3 different lines from Georgia, Virginia and Tennessee. I could not escape malocclusion! To heartbreaking to go though a litter at 8-10 wks old and cull such beautiful bunnies. I sold them all. I still miss them, they were so sweet! I have one now for a pet. He's sweet too and gives me lots of good memories