I am over here laughing my butt off because this thread started with only a breeding trio! Yes... that is exactly how rabbits work! They sucker you in and don't let go! Beautiful babies by the way Hope they all made it ok as the thread stopped in December.
Here's 3 kits from that litter. They and mom are now in a colony I just set up yesterday. Hoping it works and they don't dig out, time will tell.
Will be adding a red rex buck once he's big enough not to be easily escaping. Might add other mutts as well when I have them.
Have spare wire, may layer the ground with it so they cannot dig out. One has already started a tunnel.
This was in their 2.5 x 7ft tractor.
they have grown up to be lovely bunnys! i got a breeding trio a blk/white broken nz buck, a black nz doe and a California doe on jan 28th and on feb 28th i had 14 more bunnies. no one warned me how darn cute they are. i think I'm in trouble... i'v known for years that i was a goataholic but I'm thinking i just may be a critteraholic instead. i have the does together and the buck separate but have been giving some thought to raising them in colonies. let me know how it works for you.
We have our angora rabbits in a colony type setting, we(mostly DH) built a raised wire floor in sections that fit the area and will be making a 2nd set so both litters can have more room. It seems to work as long as there is enough room.
I tried a colony setting with my French lops but the girls are just horribly aggressive for some reason... seems to be the breed... plus I show so the ears need to be ok and that is always the place they go when they fight... UGH. Good luck on the colony I have read MANY success stories! Very beautiful rabbits as well. I love their coloring.