What about soybeans as goat feed??


Overrun with beasties
May 15, 2010
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Whole, raw soybeans are not a good feed. Poison to horses, not sure of other farm animal reactions. They taste quite nasty whole and raw, not something the animals would eat if they can avoid it by having enough other feed and hay.

Feeding soybean MEAL, which is COOKED, can add protein to your animals diet. We have added soybean meal to our grain mix for the horses. I give the same grain mix, no molasses, to the sheep and cattle in small quantities, have had not bad reactions.

Soybean meal is only 10% of total grain mix, which is the proper amount to be useful to horses. Protein is used in hair, hooves, both of which are excellent on our horses and other animals fed the grain. Also adds a good shine to that hair coat. Our hay is grassy, not ever much alfalfa in it to overdose the protein levels.

I would have husband plant the soybeans, but plan to sell them at harvest time.

Do get a soil test done before planting, for an application of needed fertilizers. Some other trace minerals may be missing, that will help more in the long run than just soybean planting. My fields had PLENTY of Nitrogen, but without the help of a mostly Lime application, the plants could not use the Nitrogen already there. Chemical linking to activate things is how it was explained to me. Soil chemicals change over time and use. I HAD put lime on in the past, but now the land needed MORE. We had spread a lot of used bedding, grazed the fields, cut the grass, since the last fertilizer application, so dirt needed different minerals applied NOW. Second soil test showed how much changed the field dirt was in only 3 years.

Soil test is the only ACCURATE way to tell EXACTLY what minerals are needed in the soil. Guessing wastes your crop time growing, ending up with poorer crop, money wasted buying generic fertilizers that don't help your lands, just wash off.


Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
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Western MA
Please, please, please, before feeding any more soy to your family or your critters, please do some research on the dangers of the powerful phytoestrogens it contains. 10% of a feed ration is frightening to me. In my dairy does that would be 3 oz of soy per day....and I tend to be conservative in graining, others would feed more. The effects are long term and won't be obvious right away. Just ask your doctor how often he/she sees hypothyroid in patients.

Fermented soy (at least six months, as in good miso or tempeh) products still contain the powerful hormone disruptors but not the mineral absorption blockers, so make these foods a rare treat and in condiment amounts.

There are many articles on this site: http://westonaprice.org/component/finder/search?q=soy+dangers So don't take my word for it. Do your due diligence and make informed choices.

Livinwright Farm

Goat Fancier
Jan 4, 2011
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New Hampshire
All other info already stated put aside, I have heard that Soy is great for cows, but with goats it messes with their rumen because of HOW it ferments. There are plenty of other legumes you can use that are great nutritionally and safe for them to eat though!
Green beans are great! Peas are splendid! My chickens LOVE fresh peas!
If you plant corn & peas or green beans(climbing variety) together you will will add tons of nitrogen to your soil and have 2-3 plants that you can harvest from and feed your animals with. the peas and beans will use the corn as climbing poles, and the corn will thrive in the nitrogen RICH soil. My goats LOVE LOVE LOVE corn stalks, and the occassional young ear of corn!
If ever you want some free feeding bonus, go to your local grocery store in summer and ask for them to set aside the bags and bags of corn husks for you to pick up! your goats will THANK you profusely!


Ridin' The Range
Dec 5, 2010
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Central Alaska
goodhors said:
Whole, raw soybeans are not a good feed. Poison to horses, not sure of other farm animal reactions. They taste quite nasty whole and raw, not something the animals would eat if they can avoid it by having enough other feed and hay.
I dunno about animals but I LOVE raw soybeans (AKA edamanes) If we didn't avoid soy we would eat TONS of them. :rolleyes:


Overrun with beasties
May 30, 2009
Reaction score
Agree with all the anti-soy sentiment. :thumbsup Check with your local extension office for what grows well in your area for alternative legumes to soybeans. There's several options (alfalfa, red clover, lespedeza, etc...) depending on your soil. You might decide to do a mix even.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
I have quite a few friends that raise goats in my county and this year it seems that most of them are having does that are kidding WAY beyond their due date, some having to be induced. (no kids at my place for a few more weeks). This has been a major issue this spring and it has been suggested that perhaps it is the alfalfa. Since we all buy from the local feed stores most of our hay comes from the same place.

Under certain condition the alfalfa can act as a type of estrogen and they think that might be why all the late kids. While I was researching this I came across articles that did confirm that possibility and they also listed soy as a food that can mess with hormones.

I agree with everyone else, I wouldn't feed it.

Tina Leighty

Just born
Jul 22, 2018
Reaction score
I wouldn't feed soybeans. My small herd got out. I have soy beans planted around my property. I lost 1 doeling and have another sick not to say alot of scours. I do not know a remedy for the sick ones except probiatic and time.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
In a previous post I saw where it was mentioned that soy might be good for cattle. ONLY AS A ROASTED BEAN. Raw soy is toxic to animals. Any and all. It is a source of protein, and fairly good cheap source in rations but only after being roasted and should only be considered in a total ration mix. Not like feeding corn or other grains. Oats are a very good feed. Can be fed as a grain and the stalks used as straw, can be cut and made into hay in the very early dough stage. Oats do not "plump" or have the weight here in Va. as the ones from up north, especially Canadian oats. But it is a good feed and I have never had the problem of them getting sick on them. Sure, you can't overfeed any type grain but as a hay they will relish the immature oats and like the hay also.