You got some thinking to do after all these posts and while you get your plan of action together get yourself 8 free range laying hens which will supply you with very tasty eggs. Thats how we started 4 years ago when we landed in Canada. Anything is possible and check out my website to see where we ended up
I come from a farming background so it was a sidestep but who knows if we will survive, its tough out there in the market place and it depends on where your located for potential customers. I could go on for ever but will finish here by wishing you the best of luck with whatever you do
I happen to hate rabbits (okay, they're cute!) and they make me sneeze. But thanks anyway!
I do have chickens, lets see now...
2 barred rocks
2 SLWyandottes
1 Black Sexlink
2 Seramas who live in our kitchen
1 goofy, dumb as a rock Polish
1 paranoid Leghorn pullet
3 fluffy Silkies
Only the first 5 birds and one of the a Silkies are laying but their eggs are so good! Jane the Serama went broody.
I got hooked on chickens. They are SO addicting!!!! Now I would like to try pastured broilers. I really'd like to make some money with them.
I am going to make a plan, try to find a market for lambs. If I can get a market for them I will raise them.
Can I have some information about them? (raising hair sheep lambs for meat)
I'd have to do a lot of marketing.....or how about selling the lambs live to an auction?