With dairy goats assuming who has higher fat content by what separates is a mistake. goat milk is naturally homogenized for the most part. But this factor changes from breed to breed.Farmer Kitty said:I don't know much about goats but, it seems to me I read over on BYC that there is a separator for goats milk to separate the cream out?helmstead said:Our Nubian doe is currently giving us a gallon a day. Last year we had to milk two of our Nigis at a time to have what we needed...now...we're STORING it haha.
We drink it raw. Yum! I tried to pasteurize it and it tasted terrible! We also make fresh cheese like cream cheese, cottage cheese and the like. I hope to venture into aged cheeses soon.
I personally prefer Nigi milk to Nubian milk. Nigi milk is higher in butterfat than the Nubian milk...so I have more cream to store off the cooled milk (need cream to make cottage cheese) and it's sweeter. Almost NO cream separates from the Nubian milk. Bit of a bummer.
As to the comment on toggenburgs being non-fat in an earlier post. That is simply not true.