I keep look out for the first dandelion blooms....yes...I see it as my first sign of spring and every year I take a photo of the first dandelion bloom....yellow and fat like the sun
my x's grandfather made dandelion wine that would take your sox off. in fact he made wine out of anything that didn't run. spring is already at my house, now that's not saying that we aren't going to have more cold weather, even snow and ice but the ducks are doing the duck dance and laying eggs, the chickens are in the mood for love too. Katie is shedding hair by the handfuls. every time i brush her i take the hair and put it in bags in the trees for the birds to use in their nests. no peepers yet but i know they're coming. and the daffodils are poking up thru the ground. spring... personally i can't wait.
@frustratedearthmother I made 2 batches of the wine. The first turned golden clear, was beautiful, and had a fizz to it! It was good and light tasting. The second batch never did clear up, stayed cloudy, didn't fizz and had a lot of alcohol in it! Here is a link to what I wrote about the wine on TEG.
For me a sign of spring is the flocks of robins leaving. I still remember being a little confused when those birds showed up in January that first year. I mean, it had only gotten cold enough for ponds to freeze the first time about three weeks earlier. If memory serves those robins left in March that year.
Days getting longer, snow melting, ducks and chickens starting to lay again, "The smell of spring", its so funny because the first snowfall I am always so excited and in awe at the beauty of it then come December 26th I want it all to go away and cannot wait for spring for the next 3 to 4 months! lol