Herd Master
Assuming that what you are working with are honest-to-goodness purebred New Zealands, with no funky surprises lurking, I see REW (Ruby-eyed White), possibly Chestnut, and Steel in the litter. Given that your buck is a Steel, and these are NZ's we are talking about, the solid black baby may be a "Super Steel." Steel is a weird gene. Steel is the most dominant allele in the E-series, but it can look different, depending on what it is paired with. Some combinations can give you a solid black (or brown, or blue, or lilac), or an animal with very light ticking. An animal with two copies of Steel (EsEs) will be solid black, just like a self patterned animal (aa) even if it has agouti (A) pattern genes. The black baby may stay solid black, or it may develop light ticking when it gets a bit older.
Do you have pedigrees on either of the parents?
Do you have pedigrees on either of the parents?
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