What do I need to get started raising rabbits for meat?


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Sorry to break into this posting but I don't understand the rabbits over the chicken idea. I was told that rabbit poo was good fertilizer for the garden and chicken poo had to be in a compost pile and turned for months. Why do you want the chickens to eat poo? Guess I don't understand this concept. Doesn't seem all that sanitary to me but then I haven't been raising rabbits (yet) so don't know much about this.

I have chickens in a chicken house and would like to put the rabbits in there for the winter but is that idea of putting them OVER the chickens that good? I had thought I would just put them in another section so that I could get to them to feed and water. During the summer I still haven't figured out where to put them to be out of the heat. Most worried about the heat factor. Thought about on the north side of the shed and between the tree. They should have lots of shade but not sure about much breeze.
I worried about my chickens and put an air conditioner in with them but it didn't work that well. Used 4 fans and they managed to live through the sweltering humid weather here. Might just bring the rabbits into the house to the back bedroom with Linoleum floor and a little air for the really hot weather.

If someone could explain to this knuckle head the idea of the rabbits above the chickens I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU!


Ridin' The Range
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
Mitransplant said:
Sorry to break into this posting but I don't understand the rabbits over the chicken idea. I was told that rabbit poo was good fertilizer for the garden and chicken poo had to be in a compost pile and turned for months. Why do you want the chickens to eat poo? Guess I don't understand this concept. Doesn't seem all that sanitary to me but then I haven't been raising rabbits (yet) so don't know much about this.

I have chickens in a chicken house and would like to put the rabbits in there for the winter but is that idea of putting them OVER the chickens that good? I had thought I would just put them in another section so that I could get to them to feed and water. During the summer I still haven't figured out where to put them to be out of the heat. Most worried about the heat factor. Thought about on the north side of the shed and between the tree. They should have lots of shade but not sure about much breeze.
I worried about my chickens and put an air conditioner in with them but it didn't work that well. Used 4 fans and they managed to live through the sweltering humid weather here. Might just bring the rabbits into the house to the back bedroom with Linoleum floor and a little air for the really hot weather.

If someone could explain to this knuckle head the idea of the rabbits above the chickens I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU!
Actually chickens will eat very little of the actual rabbit manure although they will kick it all over the place. What they eat is the inevitable waste of food from rabbits dropping it or scratching it out to fall on the ground. This helps keep your chicken feed bill down. They also eat any worms or insects that develop in the manure. It's true that rabbit manure can be used fresh and chicken has to be composted but in a pile together they will break down very fast in a hot compost pile. A matter of weeks in some cases.
Those are the pros. The cons are that, as you pointed out, the rabbit manure in that system is unavailable till it is composted. Although few diseases are shared by birds and animals, coccidiosis is a possibility. Chickens normally survive it but it can be fatal to rabbits.


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
THANK YOU HOODAT. I now understand it, DUH! Just couldn't get the whole poo thing.
Still think I will keep my rabbits separate from the chickens so that I can have manure now and some for fall (chickens).
I don't have my rabbits yet since they haven't been born and I don't have my cages built yet. Going back and forth as to whether I want to build them or buy those black wire shelving things and make something out of them. That looks easier than the building. I have until the first part of May to figure it out and get them set up. Still waiting to hear back from the woman as to what she feeds hers and where to get the Timothy hay. I have 20+ acres that are mowed but not sure what "kind" of hay it is.
Really appreciate you filling in the blanks for me. THANKS