i've never had them on rabbits but the only thing i can think of i know is safe for use on rabbits is foodgrade D.E. that should work. i don't think u can use flea chemicals on a rabbit and de is all natural. baby shampoo is the only other thing i can think of. it is what i use to get them off my kittens if it doesn't kill the fleas it will stun them enough so u can pick them off and squish or drown them. i usually drown them in a cup of dish soap water.
There are flea treatments that are rabbit safe if you want to spend the money. I've also used cheap Hartz monthly flea treatment for dogs from WalMart but THEY ARE DEADLY TO RABBITS. I just use a drop or two on the rabbits. Any more and you may kill the rabbit. They do get rid of fleas and ticks but also irritate the rabbit skin.
Did you feed the new bunnies fresh fruits or veges? That can kill if they are not used to them. I doubt they were done in by the cold.
I've always used the original dawn on my dogs, but I give them a scrub down, I couldn't find the safest or a straight answer for fleas on rabbits, so made a mist out of the dawn and misted the cage and their bedding in their box, put some one my hands and pet them with it. They don't have any more fleas. I never even thought to look for fleas on a rabbit. Thank you again everyone.
My breeder told me to use Advantage for cats to kill fleas on my French Lops.
I just looked up her email on the subject from back in August 2010.
She said to make sure it is the plain Advantage for Cats and NOT the Advantage Multi.
I believe the product comes in 2 difference dose sizes, so buy the one for your rabbit's weight.
I did put Advantage for Cats on all 3 of my French Lops. I applied it on their backs, just behind their ears. It killed the fleas without hurting my rabbits.
Down here in Texas fleas are a problem, and I do let my rabbits play in a yard constructed from dog kennels.
Flea infestation CAN kill dogs and cats, so I would think they would kill rabbits too. Infestations make the animal anemic.
I do believe, every pest and bug that is hiding or has died in other states is still crawling or flying in Texas. I'm going to try your method, figure it will last longer than using the dawn, thank you . I did read something somewhere about using a flea collar, I see that working like it does on my dogs, they help each other to chew it off, lol.
Just an FYI about fleas, rabbits, and treatments...
Domestic rabbits rarely get fleas. Dog/cat fleas are said to be species specific but they are not all THAT picky.
In flea infestation cases that I've known of, other animal species the frequented the domestic rabbit's living space were heavily infested and the rabbit had few in comparison. In other words, it is likely the rabbits picked them up off another heavily infested animal.
Fleas tend to attack a weak animal more vigorously than a healthy one. There may have been an underlying problem with the kit that was compounded by the flea infestation (or not). The age of your smaller kit is a very tough time gastronomically speaking. Weaning my have not been going well.
When I lived in the suburbs, I treated my dogs and cats with flea drops. Even so, I did find two fleas on a rabbit once. I picked the fleas off and lightly dusted on a small amount of flea powder for kittens. It may not have been the best choice but it worked.
Frontline is fatal to rabbits.
Advantage has been known to make rabbits ill but in those cases, the rabbits ingested the medication.
I've heard vets recommend Advantage for kittens to get rid of fleas on rabbits. One drop per rabbit will do. Separate the rabbits for 48 hours after treatment so they do not ingest the medication by grooming one another.
There are natural flea controls, too. DE would work by itself but mix in powdered peppermint for a double whammie. Don't breath in the DE! Where a mask or just use the powdered herb alone. Don't use pennyroyal (a popular flea repellent for dogs) - I just read it is toxic to rabbits.
Rosemary works, too, but I don't know if it is okay for rabbits. Does anyone know?
O.k. I go out to feed all the beasts and there were 2 babies in the chick pen!!!!! I don't know how she got in there, she was in her cage, but 2 baby bunnies , not alive, I feel horrible cause I didn't know!!!! And now I'm wondering how many will she have? I put a nest box in with her and now she is jumping around, looking for a way out of her pen. I don't know what to do!!!!!! This is like someone came in and robbed me!!! How did she get in with the chicks or how did her babies? I'm so confused. Is she going to have more, I don't know what I'm doing here!!!!!
*chickenpotpie, I did a slap on the forehead I thought the smiley saying new messages was an ad!!!! Forgive me I was born a blond!!!
She had her kits on the wire in her cage. The kits crawled into through the wire into the chicken coop. They can get through smaller spaces than ya might think.
It's good you have her a nest box. Put 1 - 2 inches of shavings in it and stuff it with hay. Make a "well" in the hay with your fist. She's an experienced mother so she should know what to do. Look around for other kits (on the ground, etc). If your find any still moving, put them in your portable warmer (down your shirt/cleavage) and keep them there.
Don't beat yourself up for this. You had no idea she was pregnant. Personally, I'd be a bit peaved at the guy who gave them to you for not saying she had been with a buck 30 days ago.
Give your doe 24 hours to see if she has any more kits (unlikely) then palpate her (feel her abdomen) for any more kits. If you need tips on how to do that, let us know.
That was one of the first things I did, there were only 2, looked every where, then picked her up, saw a little blood, felt her stomach, kind of like the nurses did mine when I had any of my 5 children, I felt 3 "bumps", I couldn't tell anyone if that's normal rabbit insides or not!! Made her box, she is in it, re-arranging what I did, keeps standing up on her hind legs, don't know what that's about, and the little one she is allowing to be with her, he follows her everywhere in the cage.
Did I tell ya'll that I did contact the owner, and he said that she was a buck???!!! Then he had called me 2 days later wanting me to trade her for the real buck?? Cause someone else he had given the rabbits to, thought they had her and it wasn't? But I didn't do the trade, this is who my son brought home, they are his. The owner obviously didn't know what he had and he split a "family" of rabbits to whoever came and got them, how many and which one they wanted!! I know it's normal to split "families" but come on!!! I don't know, I'm ranting now, my mad is coming out over this, I don't like to lose babies, really gets to me. I keep thinking about the white rabbit we had and how many more might of died with the any of the new owners, and now these babies, I had looked all this up, but thought I had time!!!