Chillin' with the herd
Hello everyone I'm looking for information on the best goat breed for a homestead a breed that won't take up too much space in a backyard but that will give good quality milk and has a good carcass to bone ratio..
Woooweee! You're going to get a lot of answers to that question! There are lots of people here who have goats and between them all just about every breed is covered!
I have Pygmies, Nubians and crosses of those two breeds. If those crosses are registered they're called Kinders. My plug will be for Kinders if you are looking for a medium sized goat. A Kinder is simply a cross between a pygmy and a nubian. Most make a nice meaty carcass and give a good quantity of delicious milk. Of course, there are variables in every breed and you should take that into account when you're making your choice.
Most folks don't milk their pygmies - but I have. Some don't give enough to bother with but I had one that gave two quarts a day. I milked her almost a year she was a wonderful, solid milking doe. Pygmy milk is right up there with Nigerian milk in butterfat. Butterfat = deliciousness! Plus they make a good, but small carcass also.
You're going to get a lot of answers to this question. My suggestion, do a lot of research, talk to lots, listen to lots and then make the decision that you think will work best for you. You can always change your mind and change breeds if it doesn't work out the way you expected!
You're about to start an exciting journey - good luck along the way!