They get nutrina nature wise layer feed, free range for 2-5 hours daily and I just started DE around the coop and in their dirt bath area how can I fix this?
I agree with jk47, make sure that your hens have access to plenty of calcium. I also give my chickens red dirt when they are penned up. There is something about it that makes them thrive, I can't say what it is exactly but an old timer told me about it.
Every time I clicked on to respond there was an interruption. LOL
Calcium would be my first suggestion too.
You can also add sea-kelp to their diet.
Sometimes illness can cause bumps. The see through mottled eggs can also happen when you have inbreeding. Hens that are inbred can have issues like this. Rarely will eggs like these hatch if incubated.
Birds that are stressed perhaps from sudden penning for a long period when they were originally free ranged will start having egg issues.
Check for worms also. If they have worms it robs them of the important nutrients they need.