Understand something, in different parts of the world, and different countries, sometimes the female is called different things than what we call them here. I am not surprised that a former sheep farmer would call his female goats the same as he called his female sheep.
Here in the US a male sheep is often called a "buck sheep" even though the "technically correct" term is a ram. Many older farmers I have been around have called the male herd sire a buck sheep.
In England an intact male in the cattle species at the yearling age is often called a bullock; but in other places it can be a yearling steer....
Since they got the kidding part correct, I think that maybe the term there is interchangeable with the female sheep and female goats.
Lord knows when I have been tired or just in a rush I have said that the pigs or the sheep calved, then had to correct myself ...... mostly because I first think in cattle terms.