What kind of Guardian does your herd have?

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Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2011
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Northern Idaho
:) Hi all:

I am so glad we were able to rally together and get this thread going! Yay! I don't have a LGD yet. I'm looking for something to guard my chicken flock - no goats or sheep. We plan on getting a couple of calves next year. What would you recommend? Oh and I would like to get a little piglet too next year. We'll have all kinds of predators around and I don't want to lose any of my flock :fl


Chillin' with the herd
Apr 28, 2011
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I ran Great Pyrenees for 16 years, with limited success in protecting my small farm and exotic fowl. For the past 7 years, my losses have been minimal after getting my first Kangals. They have a far more proactive or predator removal method of control.

I recently imported in some Boz Shepherds Guregh from Turkey. They are very similar to the Kangal, more like a Kangal on steroids. They are a HUGE dog, and probable one of the most physically capable LGD's. At 8 months old, they would be able to handle anything East Texas could throw at them.

Have to say that I have admiration and respect for all LGD breeds. And if they work for you, you have to respect them. Any dog that will put their life on the line to protect you and the things you value, deserves your love.


Ridin' The Range
May 23, 2011
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Northern Idaho
MonsterMalak, I've been checking out Boz Shepherds Guregh. Beautiful dogs :love I am very impressed. Would do well with a very small homestead type environment - or are they happier on a large scale ranch? How do they get along with other dogs? My St. Bernard weighs in at 220lbs, but a LGD HE IS NOT :lol: He prefers to snooze quite often and does not wake up easily (I have to step over him).


Chillin' with the herd
Apr 28, 2011
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I hope answering will not be taken as rude on the thread. Have to say that I am not fully versed on forum do's and don'ts.

The Boz Shepherd will be happy in any situation. I have two that are Family house dogs and farm protectors, and one that lives with the livestock. Like the Kangal, they are active predator removal type of workers.

I have one Boz that thinks his territory is much larger than my property. Usually at night, when out on the defensive. Has not gotten in any trouble, but is a problem due to his expense. My Kangals all seem to be home bodies.

I would say the Turkish breeds of LGD's have a different method than the Pyrenees. Where my (previously owned) Pyrenees would stay out all night and bark at the Coyotes that were grouped up howling 200 yards away. The Kangals and Boz will not tollerate them within 1/2 a mile. We litterally do not ever hear them howl any more. And have been 100% effective with predator control.

Down side is that some have a little more training needed with regards to playing rough.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV
I had GP/lab mix and BC/lab mix for my sheep and chickens. It was a great mixture as the GP had a deep bark and sounded a warning and the BC/Lab mix was mostly silent and very, very fast....nothing could come in the perimeter and still live. The 'yotes came near very rarely but never came in, nor the bears.


Chillin' with the herd
May 13, 2011
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South Georgia
Since I am to my max on the number of dogs I want (which is 1 silly Min. Pin. who eats chickens), I have a bronze turkey named Lord Voldemort as my livestock guardian. People think I am crazy when I tell them that he is great at keeping the hawks away. I saw one sitting on the fence checking out my ducks and chickens, but as soon as he got a good look at Voldemort he flew off. He would be no match for a dog, but he does keep stray cats out and he keeps the goats in order. Whenever I get a new adult goat or kid, he always makes sure to let them know who is boss right off hand. When there are new chickens or ducks I have to keep him out of the pen because he will show his dominance and will be mean to them for a few days before accepting them as part of his 'flock'. He is going to be very surprised when he first meets the 10 poults I have waiting for him in my enclosed chicken pen. I am waiting for them to get mostly grown before introducing them to each other.




Ridin' The Range
Mar 2, 2011
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That's so funny that you have a guard turkey! We had one years ago that watched over my Old English Game Bantams. He refereed the roos when they had their battles and he protected the chicks from the cats. the poor cats got to the point if they even saw a baby chick, they would RUN as fast as they could to get away, fearing the guardian tom was not far behind. He attacked those cats more than once over baby chicks.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
carolinagirl said:
That's so funny that you have a guard turkey! We had one years ago that watched over my Old English Game Bantams. He refereed the roos when they had their battles and he protected the chicks from the cats. the poor cats got to the point if they even saw a baby chick, they would RUN as fast as they could to get away, fearing the guardian tom was not far behind. He attacked those cats more than once over baby chicks.

I just had one of my hens chase off a cat 3x her size this morning! Never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it. That tom cat looked at that hen charging at him and took off as if his very life depending on getting out of the field! :lol:


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 13, 2011
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Lake L.A., Ca
carolinagirl said:
This room looked a little bit empty so I thought I'd start a thread. So tell me....what kind of guardian does your herd/flock have? Are you happy with your choice?

I have.....actually I almost have an Anatolian Shepherd. He's 12 days old so he can't come home for a while longer, but I am really happy with my choice. I actually found this breed when I was looking for a home guardian. I had a list of criteria, and the LGD breeds fit pretty well, with an Anatolian being a perfect fit. And since I may want to breed them later down the road (after OFA certs and a good show record), I decided I needed to get some livestock for him. I chose Barbados Black Belly sheep and Katahdin sheep. So now I have the sheep....but no puppy yet. But he's mine....I just have to be patient.

It took me a long time to find my breeder and I am currently searching for the breeder of my female pup. I am hoping to get her early next year.
Thanks for starting this thread!! This is exactly what I was looking for! :D I currently have 2 pit bulls, 2 Chihuahuas (soon to be more! Female pregnant!), 3 Nubians, 5 Chikens, 1 white fronted amazon, 3 cockatiels. One of my pit bulls has cancer and I will have to put her down tomorrow :( So I am doing research on best dogs for a farm. Even though pit bulls have a bad rap, she is the best pit bull and guardian I have ever had for my animals and family! She is protective of my flock and has scared away stray cats several times! She has never hurt or killed any animals and is very motherly to them. I am very sad about having to put her down but I also need to get another dog to replace her as guardian. I was looking into Labs because I also have children and have heard they are very good dogs but I have never had one. I've only had pit bulls, Siberian Huskies, chihuahuas, american eskimo, sheep dog ( when I was little, very good dog!).

Any suggestions??
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