Alpaca Master
Straw is usually yellow and flat. Hay usually looks green. Straw is for bedding and hay is for eating. If you need a lesson in hay, the best person to talk to is someone who sells hay. We got a lot of information about hay from the guy we purchased our hay from. Make sure it is a good person who isn't selling you a bill of goods though. We were lucky to come upon really good people who were willing to educate us.
It makes a big difference if you are feeding him straw or hay. You also want 2nd or 3rd cut hay for your goats. Make sure it isn't moldy. Moldy hay can kill a goat.
What kind of goat is he and how much does he weigh? You can weigh yourself and then weigh yourself and the goat on a bathroom scale. Then subtract your weight from you/goat weight.
It makes a big difference if you are feeding him straw or hay. You also want 2nd or 3rd cut hay for your goats. Make sure it isn't moldy. Moldy hay can kill a goat.
What kind of goat is he and how much does he weigh? You can weigh yourself and then weigh yourself and the goat on a bathroom scale. Then subtract your weight from you/goat weight.