That was SO funny for some reason.... I dunno why, but i laughed outloud readig it...waynesgarden said:I couldn't even consider not putting nesting material in the box. I've already lost newborns to the cold this fall. I have one doe that pulls enough fur to birth a horse in comfort but most others are pretty lazy and it would be a recipe for disaster.kevin said:we had better luck with no bedding at all! Rabbits can tolerate cold better than heat. put a pan under the cage and your rabbits stay a lot cleaner, so does your cage! when your rabbit has babies, she will provide her own bedding with her fur in the nest box.
I have a wire floor on the nest boxes. On top of that I lay a piece of cardboard. (The lid of the box our copy paper comes in fits perfectly.) In the cardboard lid I put a few handfuls of pine shavings and then fill it loosely with hay. The does seem to like to dig down to the carboard and shred and tear a bit of it. By the time she's ready to pull fur, she's mixed up the materials in the nest to her liking.
I don't worry abou anything getting moldy. I clean out any goopy bedding after the kits are born. Then, depending on how large the litter, sometime from Day 7 to Day 9 I'll dump all the contents of the box (minus the kits) onto the compost pile and give all fresh bedding.