Hens and Roos
Herd Master
that makes sense, friendlier and easier to handle is a good thing!
I have only bottle raised when necessary and most of my goats are brats. Not so much hard to handle but hard to catch. Being that I am starting a dairy I have toyed with the idea of bottle raising kids and keeping them and replacing my wild gals. I still might, just can't decide. They will come for grain and to get milked with no problems though, bottle raised or not and since I machine milk even that isn't a problem.
Any that I buy will be bottle kids. I bought two mature does last year that were bottle raised and they are like dogs, they follow me everywhere. Definitely easier when you need them NOW.
But to be honest I have not spent much time with the kids, I was working full time so it was hard, i.e. impossible. I was told that there is a bonding age with kids, they said around 10 days old. So I guess if you are going to pull after a few days with mom you might still get that bonding experience with the kids. No experience, just what I was told.
I have a few more months to contemplate what to do next year. Eventually when the dairy is done the kids will be sold ASAP so I can have the milk. That part of raising goats and having a dairy makes me a little sad.