Loving the herd life
She is over 2 years old and definitely small in stature but her sister who is only slightly bigger did just fine bred to a Nubian buck. The breeder had sold them because she thought they were too small to breed to a full size buck (but the sister must have been accidentally bred days before I bought her). I have a 5 month old Nubian buckling who is a good size but definitely "dairy type" with long body, lots of legs and smallerish head. I would breed her in the fall when she starts cycling again. She looks amazing, I have never seen a coat shine like her's does and she has greatly improved since we got her in January when she had a fish tale and bare nose...and everyone swears she has grown since I have had her here.
Also, I also purchase a ND buckling to breed her but he is WAY too small to do the job and I don't really want to wait two years before I breed her when he gets enough height to do the job.
What do you think, would you do is she was your goat?