What's the fuss over GMO?


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
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North Central Texas
I don't understand the apparent controversy over Genetically Modified Organism, which is what I take GMO to mean. I certainly don't want to start any wars, but can some of you explain to me why you think this process is wrong? Seriously I just don't understand the issue/problem.
Thanks, and no I'm not stupid, just ignorant.


Loving the herd life
Sep 6, 2011
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It's pretty much been proven to cause very large cancerous masses and reproduction problems in animals. The problem is big money backs it and tries to cover up the research and the labeling of the products. It's also just not right to mess with the genetic make-up of nature. I wouldn't be surprised if GMO laden food messed with the dna of the people/animals that consume it. They are also trying to push the round up ready GMO seeds on farmers to make their profits. They have harassed small farmers and accused them of using GMO seeds when they haven't and also re-using the seeds when they haven't. Just in the name of trying to get more money. What happens is GMO plants cross-pollinate with normal plants and corrupt the gene pool. So basically if it continues the entire food supply will eventually be contaminated with GMO's. It's some scary stuff and we thought just pesticides were bad but that was nothing compared to this. It's sad that the people that support GMO's care nothing about destroying the food supply and everything about lining their pockets. There is also speculation that this is a large part of Colony Collapse Disorder in the honeybees.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina

There are lots of videos on the subject however I only saw the first 20 minutes of this one. This one I think does a much better job of explaining in easy to understand terms. You can find this on youtube also (I believe).

I think it is great that you are looking into this, it is(GMO's) really, really not good!


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Texas
So what exactly, if you know, is the modification in the GMO? Seems to me that living organisms are always going through some genetic modification. After all we wouldn't have what we recognize now as wheat or corn if it hadn't been for some unintentional genetic modifications when humans first started doing agriculture. Hybrid vegetable plants are genetically manipulated for disease or pest resistance. The modification does not breed true, but it is a genetic change for one generation, nonetheless.

I also have a difficult time with the argument that pesticides are bad. No they are not. Rachael Carson sold a line back in the 60's. DDT could have saved many lives in sub-Sahara regions, but Rachael Carson in Silent Spring told us it was bad for the birds: weak egg shells. Much better for humans to die than for birds to have weak egg shells. Sorry I just don't see it.

It is like the lead shot in shotgun shells that is "so bad" and the government is trying to eliminate with the replacement of steel shot. Can anyone site any source that proves that the ducks actually eat lead shot that they find littering the pond area? Ok may have just opened a big can of worms here with some who may come back with the idea that we don't need lead in the water/in the ground/poor waterfowl dying from being shot by the hunter.

Folks, come on, let's inform me using some facts and not emotion. I truly am interested in what is going on with this topic.


Loving the herd life
Sep 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm not going to do your research for you. Try to find independent studies. I am not a huge fan of immediately dumping man made chemicals on things to "fix" them. They have their place and their use and I won't necessarily say all are bad. There are so many poisons in the environment right now including the stuff that people dump all over their lawn to keep it green every month. GMO's are dangerous in my opinion. Something we shouldn't be messing with. But then again so are a lot of things we "mess" with. Genetics that are naturally altered by way of natural evolution are different than us jacking with things. I just think it will blow up in our face but at the same time I don't want to be saying I told you so to anyone down the road. Answer me this, if they're so great why are they banned everywhere but the US and why are companies fighting so hard to keep them from being labeled? Just food for thought.

Straw Hat Kikos

The Kiko Cowboy
May 18, 2012
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North Carolina
that's*satyrical said:
It's pretty much been proven to cause very large cancerous masses and reproduction problems in animals. The problem is big money backs it and tries to cover up the research and the labeling of the products. It's also just not right to mess with the genetic make-up of nature. I wouldn't be surprised if GMO laden food messed with the dna of the people/animals that consume it. They are also trying to push the round up ready GMO seeds on farmers to make their profits. They have harassed small farmers and accused them of using GMO seeds when they haven't and also re-using the seeds when they haven't. Just in the name of trying to get more money. What happens is GMO plants cross-pollinate with normal plants and corrupt the gene pool. So basically if it continues the entire food supply will eventually be contaminated with GMO's. It's some scary stuff and we thought just pesticides were bad but that was nothing compared to this. It's sad that the people that support GMO's care nothing about destroying the food supply and everything about lining their pockets. There is also speculation that this is a large part of Colony Collapse Disorder in the honeybees.
Well said. You are completely right and I really try and stay away from the whole GMO stuff but I agree with all that you said and yes, it is a big issue.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
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Hanna, IN
I know this is an old article but was one of the first times I remember hearing about GMOs before more current studies were done. Sometimes science does wonderful things and sometimes, but sometimes there are consequences that go along with some of the amazing things science can do. That we can produce GM food products is amazing and interesting-- but the fact it is that there are consequences being uncovered. We don't yet fully know all of the consequences of creating them and consuming but are able to see that it is not completely without them, which has a lot of people alarmed, especially since it is not a law that any company has to label their products as GMO at this time.


Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
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Dardanelle, Arkansas
I don't think it has a thing to do with the whole Bee colony collapse, but I do think man's intervention has something to do with it.

However, genetic manipulation is a problem. BECAUSE, we tend to not know what we else we are manipulating when we mess with just one gene. It's a dominoe effect kind of thing. I think one source of information on that issue is Temple Grandon's book, Animals in Translation. She gives a very clear explanation of the dangers of genetic manipulation in farm animals. Humans are a bit single minded when fooling with Mother Nature.

We are also somewhat single minded in our farming habits, our breeding habits and our selective behaviors. That can be good and it can be bad. As long as we are aware of the pitfalls, we need to proceed with caution and big business has a way of ignoring the caution in pursuit of money.

I think, ultimately, our downfall will be lack of attention to detail, infighting, bickering and selfish self-interest.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
animalmom said:
Rachael Carson in Silent Spring told us it was bad for the birds: weak egg shells. Much better for humans to die than for birds to have weak egg shells. Sorry I just don't see it.

Folks, come on, let's inform me using some facts and not emotion. I truly am interested in what is going on with this topic.
You may want to go back and research DDT usage too.

Edited to add, do you consider ethics to be emotions?

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